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  1. I Love Yoga

    All five days of the Sri Sri Yoga class gave me a FANTASTIC experience. My mind feels like a stream. ...
  2. I Love Yoga

    Doing the Sri Sri Yoga course was very good. The workshop was very unusual compared to other yoga courses. The pain in my shoulders disappeared after practicing the postures. It is an amazing course. ...
  3. I Love Yoga

    The practice of yoga and Sudarshan Kriya has done miracles for me. I had a gynecological problem and the scan detected many fibroid in my uterus and ovary. After practicing the asanas recommended for five months, these fibroids mysteriously vanished. ...
  4. I Love Yoga

    Police Lieutenant The Sri Sri Yoga course was fun, profound, and quietening. I found the mix of postures, breathing and silence to be unique and invigorating. ...
  5. I Love Yoga

    Accountant I wasn't sure if Sri Sri Yoga was the 'real thing' for me. Going through these exercises and meditation was like the dawning of a new day: a lot of light and happiness. Now I feel very grateful and happy. A unique experience. Tha ...
  6. I Love Yoga

    Nurse Taking the Sri Sri Yoga course, I feel that it has helped me to relax and decrease stress in general. My sleep has improved and my appetite is normalizing. For example, I have reduced cravings for sweets. ...
  7. I Love Yoga

    Social worker It feels like I slip into meditation while I am still moving the body. After I began doing Sri Sri Yoga I can feel that my Aikido and gymnastics practice has become much smoother. Overall, my joints and entire body have become more flexible. ...
  8. I love Yoga

    I was suffering from severe back pain for 5 to 6 months. I went for many treatments, ayurvedic and allopathic but none had long-term effects. I was told about this wonderful course – Sri Sri Yoga. I am so glad to share that after the course I got relieved ...
  9. Courses- Sri Sri Yoga

    social worker It feels like I slip into meditation while I am still moving the body. After I began doing Sri Sri Yoga, I feel that my Aikido and gymnastics practice has become much smoother. My joints and entire body have become more flexible. It has a ca ...
  10. Prison Program- Testimonials- Krystale

    Inmate This course has been a very beneficial experience. Emotional, and physical pain have both disappeared, helping me return to the happy, joyful Krystale that I used to be. I am smoking less cigarettes and am no longer relying on iron tablets to re-en ...