
Search results

  1. Full Moon Meditation

    The moon has always been an integral part of our lives. Whether it is celebrating a festival or starting an auspicious task, or meditating, we consider the movements of the moon. For example, festivals such as Ramzan, Guru Purnima and Holi are celebrated ...
  2. Pancha Kosha Meditation

    Ancient sages have explored the depths of our being, and given us the knowledge of the Pancha Kosha (five sheaths), that addresses every level of a human being. Pancha Kosha comprises: Food sheath (Annamaya Kosha) Breath sheath (Pranamaya Kosha) Mind Shea ...
  3. Ultimate Meditator's Menu

    Have you ever thought that the food you eat may be the secret to deeper meditation? Here's a food guide designed exclusively to help meditators go deeper.  Have you ever had one of those days where you sit  to meditate  but you feel sleepy or are bom ...
  4. Why Facebook? Now meditate and make better friends!

    Enjoying my day off on a lazy Saturday morning, I lay on the couch, surfing TV channels. On Animal Planet, something caught my attention and I paused. Two cute, little baby pandas lovingly cuddled and stroked each other. They played- one ran behind the ot ...
  5. Meditation & The Body

    Meditation and The Body- For Better Health "Our body is a precious gift to us. So honor your body" We have to keep our body sacred, as it is a mobile temple. The English word "nerve" is derived from the Sanskrit word 'nar'. I ...
  6. Meditation & the Senses

    We have five sensory organs- eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin. Meditation can happen when there is harmony in the five senses. When you sit for meditation, observe all your sensory organs. Observe your breath and eye movement. Is your breath steady? Is t ...
  7. Meditation & the Mind

    Mind- Living the opposites The human mind is very complex: The mind has very delicate and beautiful aspects The mind has rough and tough aspects In life you come across both. But neither life, nor these states mind, occurs with our permission. In fact, th ...
  8. Meditation & the Consciousness

    There are various states of consciousness that we can have. Meditation is one of the most important of them. Following are normal states of consciousness. We are awake experiencing the world through the 5 senses. In absence of any one of these we lose the ...
  9. Meditation & the Memory

    Memory can make you either sad or enlightened. Meditation can bring that shift in your memory – to let go of the trivial, and to recognize your infinite nature. Holding on to the limited and trivial How often is our mind churning with unpleasant memories: ...
  10. Meditation & the Ego

    'When you are in a group, and there is discomfort, this is because of barriers, of the ego. Take a deep breath, watch the discomfort, it will disappear'- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. What is ego? Ego says, "I am something, I am somebody, I ...