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  1. Tips to Reduce Anger

    Troubled by the way your anger controls you rather than you controlling it? Looking for an antidote to anger? Try Meditation! Have you noticed that no matter how many times you remind yourself that getting angry is not good, yet when the emotion comes you ...
  2. 7 FAQs on How to Improve Your Daily Meditation

    “I used to get agitated at little things around me,” shares 25-year-old Suneet. “Over time, I find myself becoming more patient. I don’t lose my temper as easily.” He attributes this change to regular meditation practice over a few months. “I still wonder ...
  3. Slow Down Your Aging Clock

    Do you see yourself become wiser day by day, yet are slowly coming to terms with a body and mind that is aging? Aging does affect us physically and psychologically. Though we cannot reverse the molecular clock and our physical age, we can surely slow down ...
  4. Guided Meditation

    People have different concepts about meditation. According to many, meditation is concentrating on something. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, meditation is de-concentration. Meditation is accepting this moment – living every moment totally. However, th ...
  5. Meditation for Peace of Mind

    From Turbulence to Tranquility It was a beautiful Saturday evening when my parents happily planned to visit my aunt. Not so long after the plan was made, I heard my mother say, “Let me meditate for a few minutes and then I am ready to leave,” after which ...
  6. Tips for Experienced Meditators (During Meditation)

    Because our minds are so habituated to effort and striving, it may be difficult for many of us, even after years of practice, to simply let go. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has provided uniquely simple and profound guidance on how to free the mind from ef ...
  7. 10 Myths about Meditation

    With close to six billion minds active from moment to moment, there are endless streams of thoughts on every aspect of creation. Some thoughts perceive reality the way it is, some are imagination and some are simple misconceptions. While there are myths a ...
  8. 8 Tips to Get Started with Meditation

    Did you know by spending just a little time preparing for your meditation, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation? For your ease, the tips given below will help you prepare for your meditation. Once done, click on the guided meditation be ...
  9. Hari Om Meditation

    Our whole being functions because of the subtle life force called prana. Prana flows in our system through subtle energy channels (nadis) and energy centres (chakras). There are thousands of nadis and many chakras in us. Tremendous amount of energy lies i ...
  10. Sun Meditation

    Life exists on planet earth because of the sun. Worshipping the sun has been a daily practice in many cultures. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Sandhya Vandanam (worshipping the sun at sunrise and sunset) is very auspicious and good for the body and the ...