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  1. Meditation for Athletics: The Lisette Sevens Story

    These are the meditation experiences from top athlete and Olympic champion (L.A.1984), Lisette Sevens. She has related her experiences with hockey at the international level and the effectiveness of Art of Living for athletes (AOL). She has credited the A ...
  2. My Mother’s Gift Became My Life’s Direction

    From an athlete to a student; from an entrepreneur in organic products to a meditation teacher with students in diverse places such as Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Asia, USA, and Germany. San Jose’s Luis Diego Cob wears many hats. The one tha ...
  3. Meditation: You—Only Better!

    Working at Wall Street in the early 2000s, I got introduced to meditation as a result of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Due to the high anxiety levels of the people in New York City and the increased fear and hopelessness, many began ...
  4. Meditation: A Cherry On The Cake

    Leaving the past behind in every sense, Patricia (Patti) Montella moved on from a successful 20-year corporate career to an even more adventurous ride that changed her life—forever! For the last two decades, she has been practicing meditation and teaching ...
  5. Shifting a continent- A Peace Campaign for Africa

    An Art of Living teacher who has spent the last 19 years teaching meditation to people across South Africa & Africa- Meet Vani Pavadai. A pioneer Art of Living teacher in Africa, and inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s vision of a stress-free, ...
  6. Free Online Meditation

    Transforming Emotion Meditation: Your feelings keep changing. Sometimes you feel bad; but the bad feeling doesn't stay with you forever. It changes and you start feeling good once again; the good and bad feelings come like waves. Transform your emoti ...
  7. Online Guided Meditation

    Different moments, different emotions, one solution to feel, the way you want to feel!   If you'd like to choose a meditation to suit how you're feeling now, choose from the options below.       Feeling stressed and frustrated?  Want to 'st ...
  8. Serving Insights From A Chef’s Platter

    Conventionally, cooking has been a woman's forte. However, as times are changing and societies evolving, men are increasingly taking to cooking not just as a means to survive in their bachelorhood but also as a "way to a woman's heart" ...
  9. Serving Insights From A Chef’s Platter (Part-2)

    This is continued from Serving Insights from a Chef’s Platter (Part-1) Q1 Can you share a special experience from your kitchen? Bawa: I prefer using the right vessel for cooking. One such vessel is Baumstal, which we got from France. It is made from a ver ...
  10. What Is The Most Important Ingredient To Make An Amazing Life?

    Having been brought up in United States, she had seen most people having a fast-paced, stressful, somewhat superficial life. She felt the need to slow down a little and delve more deeply into life, to go beneath the surface, and that’s when she discovered ...