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  1. Is there anything common between communism and spirituality?

    Yes. What is Communism? The essence of communism is all are equal and spirituality says the same thing. Lord Krishna was the first communist. He said, ‘Yo mam pasyati sarvatra sarvam ca mayi pasyati tasyaham na pranasyami sa ca me na pranasyati< ...
  2. Gurudev, in the fifteenth chapter of the Gita, there is a description of a tree which is upside down. The branches are in the ground and the roots are in the sky. Can you please explain the significance of this?

    This is a symbol to signify that your origin is the Divinity; the consciousness. That is your roots. The mind and all its paraphernalia are like the branches. And all the different types of rhythms in life, all the different emotions, etc., are like t ...