Tips for Experienced Meditators (During Meditation)
Because our minds are so habituated to effort and striving, it may be difficult for many of us, even after years...
Ultimate Meditator's Menu
Have you ever thought that the food you eat may be the secret to deeper meditation? Here's a food guide designed...
Can't Stick to Your Meditation Practice? (Part-2)
This is continued from 'Can't Stick to Your Meditation Practice?...
Can't Stick to Your Meditation Practice? (Part-1)
Are you a woman who really enjoys the experience of meditation...
Meditation In Daily Life
Meditation is like taking a bath to wash the mind. You can take...
Meditation: A Budget-Free Retreat
I wish everyday was a Sunday; I am so stuck with work... I wish I could take a holiday; Who really has the time...
Meditation: A Budget-Free Retreat
I wish everyday was a Sunday; I am so stuck with work... I wish I could take a holiday; Who really has the time...