Üks maailma suurimaid vabatahtlikkusel põhinevaid MTÜsid, Elamise Kunst, on pühendunud stressist ja vägivallast vaba ühiskonna loomisele.
Elamise Kunst: Ülevaade
Elamise Kunsti Sihtasutus (EKS) on 154 riigis tegutsev mittetulunduslik, hariv ja humanitaarne organisatsioon. See rajati 1981. aastal maailmakuulsa humanitaristliku ja spirituaalse õpetaja Sri Sri Ravi Shankari poolt. Kõiki EKS'i programme juhib Sri Sri filosoofia: "Kuniks meil pole stressivaba mõistust ja vägivallast vabanenud ühiskonda, siis pole maailmarahu saavutamine võimalik."
Elamise Kunsti kogukond on mitmekesine ja toob kokku kõikvõimalike taustade ning religioossete sättumustega inimesi.
AOLF offers numerous highly effective educational and self-development programs and tools that facilitate the elimination of stress and foster deep and profound inner peace, happiness and well-being for all individuals. These programs, which include breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, and practical wisdom for daily living, have helped millions around the world to completely transform their lives.
Service Initiatives
In addition to these courses offered globally, AOLF, working in collaboration with The International Association for Human Values (IAHV) and in special consultative status with the United Nations Social and Economic Council, has successfully implemented numerous humanitarian projects and service initiatives including:
- conflict resolution programs
- disaster relief
- sustainable rural development
- empowerment of women
- prisoner rehabilitation
- education for all
- environmental sustainability
It has been said of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar that not since Mahatma Gandhi has one person united so many people of different races, religions, traditions, economic and social status, and nationalities, creating a One World spiritual family across the globe.
Sri Sri’s message is simple: “Love and wisdom can prevail over hatred and violence.” Happily, this message is not just a slogan, but through AOLF has been and continues to be translated into action and results.

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3 Science-Backed Ways to Relieve Pain and Stress
August 7, 2017
Stress has a rotten reputation—but not all of it is bad. The "good" kind gets you across the street quickly when you see an oncoming vehicle, or it motivates you to work towards a deadline. Your body enters self-protection mode and puts you in tip-top shape: your immune system, heart rate, attention and memory all gear up for survival.