Kui sul on raskusi õnnelikuks, rahulikuks ja keskendunuks jäämisega, siis seda tsüklit võib olla raske murda.
Tundes, et oled lõksus ja frustreerunud ning mitte omades kontrolli oma elu üle... sa ei saa seda lihtsalt "teistsuguseks mõelda". Sisimas mõistad, et on aeg muutuseks.
Läbiproovitud jooga, võimsate hingamisharjutuste, meditatsiooni ja praktiliste tõdede kaudu aitab Elamise Kunsti Õnneprogramm sul elada elu nii nagu oled seda alati tahtnud:
Rahulikult ja enesekindlalt ning omades tööriistu, mille abil saad tegeleda kõigega, mida elu võib sulle tuua.
Kuidas Õnneprogramm Sind Aidata Saab
Loo Püsivat Õnnelikkust
Läbi praktiliste ja iseend võimustavate tööriistade kasutuselevõtu avastad, kuidas vaigistada oma mõtteid ja olla täielikult kohal ning elus. Siis saad ligi pääseda rahule ja õnnele, seejuures isegi, kui seisad silmitsi tänapäevase elu aina kasvavate nõudmistega.
Jõua Kõikides Oma Suhetes Täisväärtuslike Sidemeteni
Programm ei tegele ainult sinu sisemise maailmaga. See aitab ka kergemini ja sügavamalt teistega sidet leida, et saaksid nautida nii uute kui vanade sõpradega õnnelikemaid, kindlamaid ja stabiilsemaid suhteid.
Õpi Praktikaid Terveks Eluks
Lahku uute oskuste ja efektiivse rutiiniga, mida saad kodus järgida tugevdamaks oma vastupidavust ja kindlustades oma õnnelikust. Lisaks saa võimaluse osaleda iganädalastes praktilistes grupitegevustes, mille käigus saad pärast töötuba arengut jätkata ja oskuseid paremaks muuta.
Võimas programm, mille toovad sinuni kaastundlikud eksperdid.
Pärast palju aastaid meditatsiooni õpetamist on Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar arendanud välja Õnneprogrammi ja selle keskse hingamistehnika. Selle tehnika nimi on Sudarshan Kriya ja see vähendab efektiivselt stressi ning viib inimesi muretult sügavasse meditatsiooni seisundisse.
Miljonid inimesed üle terve maailma on avastanud Sudarshan Kriya jõu, sh kümneid Fortune ettevõtteid, Olümpia tasemel sportlasi, parimaid ärikoole ning tegevjuhte.
Meie partneriteks olevad MTÜd kasutavad samu tehnikadi teenistusprojektides, mille käigus toetatakse abi vajavaid kogukondi. Nii lahingutest naasnud sõdurid, riskigrupis olevad õpilased, vangid kui ka katastroofide ohvrid on kõik kogenud traumast ja stressist vabanemist.
Elamise Kunsti Õnneprogramm: Unikaalselt võimas kombinatsioon
Õnneprogramm leiab aset kolme rahuliku, ent fookusega täidetud päeva jooksul.
Siin on mõned erakordsed kasud, mida sellest saad:
3-päevane programm. Terve elu õnnelikkust.
Omanda igapäevane praktika, mida saad kodus jätkata
3-päevase Õnnekunsti töötoa eesmärk on anda sulle oskused, tugi ja koolitused, et saaksid neid võimsaid hingamistehnikaid koju jõudes jätkata. Uuringud näitavad, et juba esimese praktiseerimise päeva järgselt võib kortisooli tase langeda üle 50%. See näitaja paraneb, kui jätkad püsiva praktiseerimisega. Õpetame sulle lihtsa ja efektiivse koduse hingamisharjutuse, mida saad igapäevaselt teha alandamaks stressi ja alustamaks iga uut päeva värskena: tundes end selgelt, enesekindlalt ja õnnelikult.
PLUSS: iganädalased praktikagrupid ja ülemaailmne vaimne kogukond
Õnneprogramm ei lõppe pärast 3-päevast kursust. Saad ka ligipääsu iganädalastele Sudarshan Kriya praktikagruppidele Elamise Kunsti Keskustes üle terve maailma.
Saad suhteid luua pühendunud kogukonnaga, kuhu kuuluvad sarnase mõtteviisiga, positiivsed ja kaastundlikud inimesed, kes on sind toetamas ja sinuga koos kasvamaks.
Leiad uusi sõpru ja lood püsivaid suhteid inimestega, kes mõistavad, kuidas võtta programmist viimast. Koos nendega saad oma oskuseid arendada, et teha oma elust parim võimalik versioon.
Jaga oma teekonda ja ümbritse end õnnelikkusega!
Sudarshan Kriya ja seotud praktikate kohta
Stressi alandamisest kuni paremini välja puhkamiseni välja: need tehnikad on tõestanud, et omavad märgatavat mõju elukvaliteedile.
Üle 70 sõltumatu uuringu, mis on läbi viidud neljal kontinendil ning avaldatud kõrgetasemelistes teadusajakirjades, on näidanud Sudarshan Kriya™ ja seotud Elamise Kunsti Õnneprogrammi hingamisharjutuste praktiseerimisest saadavat mitmekülgset kasu.
Mida inimesed ütlevad Õnneprogrammi kohta
"Ärev ja liimist lahti" muutus "enesekindluseks ja kahe jalaga maa peal olemiseks"
"Enne Sudarshan Kriya õppimist oli mul raskusi lõõgastumise ja hingamisega. Olin ärev ja liimist lahti. Nüüd aga on mul see praktika ning olen kõvasti rohkem kahe jalaga maa peal ning enesekindlam. Oskan rohkem armastust väljendada nii enese kui teiste suhtes. Olen selgem, tähelepanelikum ja ärkvel."
- Samora S., näitlejanna
"Parandas kõvasti mu võimet rahulikuks jääda"
"Põhiline kasutegur on see, et mu võime stressis olles, väsinuna või vihasena rahulikuks jääda on kõvasti paranenud. Ma arvasin, et need praktikad sobivad inimestele, kes teevad väga vähe, ent tegelikult on vastupidi. Mul on palju asju teha ja pean olema efektiivne juht. Sudarshan Kriya aitab mul liikuda õiges suunas."
- Clarke Weatherspoon, õpetaja
"Aitas parandada mineviku haavu"
"Õppida juhtima oma meeli ja keha läbi hingamistehnikate on olnud tõeliselt parim kingitus. Sudarshan Kriya igapäevane praktiseerimine on aidanud ravida mineiku haavu, muutnud mind enesekindlamaks ning andnud mulle rohkem teadlikkust kõiges, mis on minu elus, et saaksin olla parem mina."
- Brittany Potier, ettevõtja
"Muutused uudsuseks, elavuseks ja süütuseks!"
“Mul oli üksikvanemana neli last. Ma olin depressioonis. Ravimid ei aidanud. Pärast kursust praktiseerin seda alati, kui tunnen ärevust ning selle tulemusel ebameeldivad emotsioonid kaovad ära. Mind valdavad muutused, mis kannavad uudsust, elujõudu ja süütust! Ma olen kogu aeg tervest protsessist vaimustuses ja niivõrd tänulik ning tänutundega täidetud, et see nii juhtub. Tunnen nagu leiaksin selle praktika läbi oma elu mõtte.“
- Lillian B., muusik, kunstnik ja kirjanik, Smithfield, NC
"Much Healthier Right Away"
“I was very ill. The only thing that helped me other than allopathic medicine was pranayama. It was a complete change (after Happiness and Silence Retreat). I was much healthier right away. My mind became clear, and I became more comfortable in my body. Also, people commented on my skin all the time, so I think it helped with anti-aging. That's a benefit.”
- Patricia, retired ESL teacher, Winston, NC
"Come to Work in a Better Mindset"
“Making food that makes people happy brings me a lot of happiness. And when I come to work (after doing my practices), having already centered myself, it's way easier to plan out menus, delegate tasks to other people, or work with other people. Now I come to work in a much better mindset, and that in turn translates into the quality of work and the way I deal with people at work. Just the way I process emotions, thoughts, and feelings is different from before."
- Dan, Boone, NC
"My Whole Personality Has Been Transformed"
“I was diagnosed with Hypertension (High BP) at the age of 19. I started practicing Sudarshan Kriya at the age of 21; now 6 years have passed and I am as normal and fit as I could have imagined. My whole personality has been transformed. I love practicing Sudarshan Kriya and Sahaj Samadhi Meditation … my innate perception of life has since turned very positive. Earlier I was not there for me - now I am there for others."
- Abhinav Kapri
"It pulled me out of my depression"
“I was undergoing moderate depression. Hated eating. Couldn't focus on anything in life. Was basically in a very, very bad state of mind (depression does that) and had no idea how to get out of it. Then I took up Sudarshan Kriya. Within 1 month of Sudarshan Kriya, I was coming back up. I was returning to my usual self. My health improved considerably; I used to eat like a bird, now I eat well. I sleep better."
"Made Me a More Confident and Social Person"
“I am practicing [Sudarshan Kriya] for 5 years now. I used to stammer a lot, but this breathing technique has helped me to overcome the issue and made me a more confident and social person. It has also helped me in reducing my sinus problems.”
-Prakash Porua
"Helps Me Chill Out if I'm Stressed"
"Sudarshan Kriya helps me to chill out if I'm stressed and maintain high levels of energy. Just this morning, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. So I really gave my kriya my all, and my outlook completely changed afterward. I'm still surprised at how effective it is."
- Brooks Hassig, designer, San Francisco, CA
Frequently Asked Questions
While breathing happens automatically, most of us are unaware that working with the breath can give us the ability to manage our mind and emotions. In fact, every emotion you experience has a corresponding rhythm in the breath. By changing the rhythms of breath, you can change your emotions.
For example, you’ll learn the breath of peace, which makes both inhale and exhale long and smooth, bringing you back to calm and relaxed mind. Another technique, we call “Yogic Coffee” will give you a boost of energy and focus (and no caffeine jitters). The centerpiece of the course, Sudarshan Kriya™, uses specific rhythms of breath to get you unstuck and take you effortlessly into a state of meditation.
You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly the breath can calm the mind and how easy meditation can be.
In addition to a series of introductory breathing exercises (pranayamas), The Happiness Program features a unique breathing technique called Sudarshan Kriya™. Many people who’ve practiced other breathwork and meditation techniques have told us that Sudarshan Kriya is the most powerful and effective tool they’ve ever learned.
It leaves you calm yet energized, focused yet relaxed, bringing more joy and happiness to your life, eliminating fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration, and depression.
Over 60 independent studies have been done on the breathing exercises taught in the workshop, called SKY (Sudarshan Kriya Yoga).
Here are some of the most impressive research results:
- Up to 87.5% reduction in stress bio-marker levels (serum cortisol and blood lactate) [4, 6, 14]
- 33% increase in the well-being hormone prolactin from the very first session [26]
- Relieves depression in 67-73% of participants within one month (across over a dozen studies). [2, 4, 8-14]
- Relieves anxiety in 71% of individuals for whom medication and psychotherapy treatments had failed. [1]
- 3x more time spent in deep restful stages of sleep. [21]
- Increased levels of antioxidant enzymes which protect us from many diseases and rapid aging. [6, 23, 27]
- Reduced blood pressure in both healthy and health compromised individuals. [25,30]
- Improved cholesterol and triglyceride profile. [24] [6,28]
- Greater mental focus in regular practitioners (significantly greater EEG Beta wave activity) [20]
Disclaimer: The Happiness Program is for overall well-being and rejuvenation. The above results are from research studies, many of which are based on an adaptation of The Happiness Program to special needs groups. The Happiness Program is not designed to treat or alleviate clinical symptoms. If you suspect you may have a clinical condition, consult your healthcare professional before deciding whether to enroll in our program.
Research shows physical & mental health benefits are often shown from the very first session. And results are cumulative; they grow stronger over time.
Results also seem to have a lasting effect. In one study cited by Prevention Magazine, not only did people's anxiety reduce 44%, but it lasted for 6 months. Results from studies on people with PTSD and depression also show sustained effects.
Experiential - Unlike many self-development programs, this course is not a lecture. The Happiness Program is experiential and interactive. You will learn and practice yoga, breathing and meditation, enjoy engaging group processes and discussions, and receive expert guidance on how to practice the breathing at home.
Effortless, Yet Effective - One thing that makes us unique is the effortless nature of our techniques. You don’t have to worry about fast, complicated yoga poses, strict meditation techniques, or overly intense breathing techniques.
Time-tested and Universal - Many people out there go through a yoga teacher training or write a self-help book and call themselves a spiritual teacher. Meanwhile, The Art of Living has touched hundreds of millions of lives in 155 countries for the last 36 years. And Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living Foundation, has received 16 honorary doctorates, and dozens of high honors from governments around the world. Our educational and self-development programs offer powerful tools to eliminate stress and foster a sense of well-being. Appealing not only to a specific population, these practices have been proven effective globally and at all levels of society.
Research-based - Over 65 independent studies conducted on four continents and published in peer-reviewed journals have demonstrated a comprehensive range of benefits from practicing the breathing exercises taught on the Art of Living Happiness Program.
The Happiness Program was designed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a world renowned humanitarian leader, spiritual teacher and ambassador of peace. His vision of a stress-free, violence-free society has united millions of people around the world through service projects and courses offered by The Art of Living.
As a spiritual teacher, Sri Sri has rekindled the traditions of yoga and meditation and offered them in a form that is relevant to the 21st century. Beyond reviving ancient wisdom, Sri Sri has created new techniques for personal and social transformation. These include Sudarshan Kriya®, which has helped millions of people to find relief from stress and discover inner reservoirs of energy and inner silence in daily life.
As a noted humanitarian leader, Sri Sri’s programs have provided assistance to people from a wide range of backgrounds – victims of natural disasters, survivors of terror attacks and war, children from marginalized populations, and communities in conflict, among others. The strength of his message has inspired a wave of service based on spirituality through a huge body of volunteers, who are driving these projects forward in critical areas around the globe.
As an ambassador of peace, Sri Sri has played a key role in conflict resolution around the world, as he shares his vision of non-violence at public forums and gatherings worldwide. Regarded as a neutral figure with a sole agenda of peace, he represents hope to people in conflict. He has received particular credit for bringing opposing parties to the negotiating table in Columbia, Iraq, the Ivory Coast, Kashmir and Bihar. Through his initiatives and speeches, Sri Sri has consistently emphasized the need for reinforcing human values and recognizing that we belong to a one-world family. Fostering interfaith harmony and calling for multi-cultural education as the remedy for fanaticism are significant parts of his efforts to achieve sustainable peace on our planet.
You must be over the age of 18 to be eligible for this course. We do offer Youth Programs for Middle School and High School-aged students through a partner nonprofit.
Some techniques on the course are not suitable for pregnant women. A suitable alternative program for pregnant women is the effortless meditation program called Sahaj Samadhi Meditation.
Persons having undergone major surgery within 8 weeks of the course start date, and those with a seizure disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or schizoaffective disorders, must consult with a physician and provide a signed copy of the attached medical clearance form in order to enroll in The Happiness Program. For such individuals, the effortless and highly effective Sahaj Samadhi Meditation program may be a valuable alternative.
Many people enjoy repeating the Happiness Program and find they get something new out of it each time.
Ready to start living your life the way you've always wanted to?
Join the Art of Living Happiness Program and develop effective skills for lasting happiness
- Discover secrets of the breath with the powerful Sudarshan Kriya and related yogic breathing techniques which reduce stress, raise energy and give you a clear, positive state of mind.
- Regain control of your own mind and emotions – develop a stress-busting attitude that gives you more perspective on life, and helps you deal more effectively with frustration, impatience and other difficult emotions.
- Get tools to last a lifetime – Get expert training in breathing techniques that can benefit you for the rest of your life, including a practice you can continue at home.
Helping People Thrive
A Dozen Leading Publications on How The Happiness Program is Changing Lives
The Easy Breathing Technique That Can Lower Your Anxiety 44%
August 18, 2015
"many people reported better sleep, improved self-awareness, and even fewer PMS symptoms"
Breathing is the New Yoga! 9 Shortcuts to Calming Anxiety
August 11, 2016
Sudarshan Kriya’s engagement of the parasympathetic nervous system can rebalance brain chemistry.
An Incredible Alternative to Mindfulness You Never Heard Of
April 9, 2016
"Does meditation make you anxious or mad? Here's a science backed alternative."
Breathing Lessons
September 27, 2006
"A yoga-based technique that targets healing and stress is gaining favor"
3 Science-Backed Ways to Relieve Pain and Stress
August 7, 2017
"Calm your nervous system with the relaxation response"
How Meditation Transformed This Entrepreneur’s Approach To Work And Life
March 14, 2016
“It changed my life literally overnight.” ~Louis Gagnon, CEO of MyBrainSolutions
Emperor of Air
August 28, 2007
"Art of Living may be the fastest growing spiritual practice on the planet"
Art of Living on CNN Project Life
April 1, 2008
“Life Changing”
Take a Deep Breath
July 5, 2007
"just as emotions impact how people breathe, how they breathe can also impact their emotions"
Yogic Breathing: What are the benefits?
September 18, 2015
"not only aims to remove day-to-day stresses, but also target negative emotions you may not know are still affecting you"
Here’s Why Meditation Is So Amazing For Your Mental Health
March 2, 2016
“impressive results”
Get equipped with a comprehensive toolkit for a peaceful, happy state of mind.
Advanced Breathing Exercises
- Experience the Sudarshan Kriya - effectively reduces stress and takes you into a state of deep meditation.
- The power of pranayama - learn a series of breathing exercises to calm and energize your mind.
- Backed by research - 70 independent studies confirm a full range of mind-body benefits from Sudarshan Kriya, home kriya and related practices (yoga and pranayama).
- Get expert training on how to practice Sudarshan Kriya and pranayamas on your own.
Mind Mastery
- Traditionally, yoga is more than movement - it’s also an outlook on life. On The Happiness Program, we’ll explore a profound and practical yogic thinking framework, which when understood and practiced, can act like a force-field against stress. Sudarshan Kriya helps us remove stress; wisdom helps us not accumulate stress to begin with.
- These aren’t just intellectual lectures - you’ll engage in interactive discussions and experiential processes based on adult learning theory to maximize your understanding and retention.
Yoga and Meditation
- Learn easy yoga poses you can incorporate into your day for greater health, focus and relaxation.
- Enjoy unique guided meditations and get a taste of the beauty within.