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  1. Celebrating the peace within is Shivaratri

    Today is Maha Shivaratri and the whole Art of Living Webteam wishes you all a very Happy Shivaratri:)  Significanceof Shivaratri   Shivarathri means ‘the night of Shiva’ and is observed in honour of Lord Shiva (The meditative aspect of the Universe).  Acco ...
  2. The inner climate can only bring the attitudinal change to work towards the external climate

    Extracts of Gurudev's address at Climate Change Summit, IIT Chennai“There are two types of climate change; one is the outer climate change and the other inner climate change. Inner climate change is for a person to be calm and cool even during times of str ...
  3. Love that stands the test of time

    Love, everyone is looking for such a love that never dies. As time goes it seems to be dying out. You see? But we are looking for some love that stands the time – the old, ancient, strong, powerful love - Divine Love!   To download more Art of Living wall ...
  4. Yoga is a study of life, study of your body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, and ego.

    Excerpts from an Interview from recent Punjab VisitGurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The leaders should have a broader vision. If leaders have really a broader vision, the summit in Copenhagen wouldn’t have blocked. They don’t care for the entire planet; inste ...
  5. 19 Jan 2011, QA with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Today is Porsha poornima. Are there any stories aboout Porsha poornima? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This porsha poornima is the first poornima of the harvest in South India, so people exchange all that they have harvested, they give - exchange. It is also called ...
  6. World is a play and display of Prana/Life force

    , 2011Today we will not talk about stress and stress relief. Neither about relationships but something much deeper!Remember your age? Whatever it is  25- 30 years!  Where were you before these 25-30 years? Where would you be after 50-60 or say 100 years :) ...
  7. Willingness to serve when joy arises should be the wish

        Gurudev pulls out questions from the question basket. Reads them one by one, smiles and puts the paper by his side. A child comes forward to put a no.1 sticker on Gurudev's hands. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Another year is passing by, has passed. Le ...
  8. A few one-liners with Sri Sri

                      Gurudev :  What topic you want me to talk about?   A person in the audience says, “Fear” Gurudev : Fear is love, upside down!   A person in the audience says, “Love" Gurudev : Love! That is what you are!   A person in the audience says, “ ...
  9. Ethical practices are essential for a good economy

      (Gurudev's address from the World Forum for Ethics in Business in Brussels, Nov.19)         2000 years ago, Rishi Kautilya had said that the basis of ethics is economy, the basis of economy is state and the basis of state is civil society. If the civil s ...
  10. Knowledge nugget from Diwali:

    Gurudev explained the significance of the MahalaxmiHavan which respects the Panch Mahabhuta(five elements) i.e. aakash (ether), vayu (air), agni (fire), jal (water)and prithvi (earth). “We thank Godfor all that is bestowed on us. At times we grudge for not ...