Что сказал Шри Шри сегодня (архив)

Результаты поиска

  1. Основополагающее единство Творения

    (Ниже приведено продолжение беседы Безграничность непознанного) Кто есть Бог? Бог это Сатчитананда. “Сат” означает Истина, конечная реальность, без существования чего-то вторичного. “Чит” означает блаженное Сознание, которое оживлено и наполнено разумом. ...
  2. Criticism: Face It With Courage

    (Below is the continuation of the post The Underlying Unity Of The Creation) If someone repeatedly insults or criticizes me, what should I do? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I tell you, if someone insults you, criticizes you, let them be! How much harm can they do ...
  3. The Vastness Of The Unknown

    One of the more recent and contemporary poets from Karnataka has composed a beautiful poem about Surrender, and whom should one seek refuge in. The verse says “Become a Sharanagati and take refuge in the fact that life is a great and deep secret”. The mor ...
  4. A Happy State Of Mind

    Are there different stages of being enlightened? What are the signs of enlightenment? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You need not worry about it. There are no different stages. Enlightenment is only one, that’s all. Are there different types of emptiness? Emptines ...
  5. Сила самоанализа

    Gurudev, when I see enthusiastic people, what comes to my mind is that they are showing off. What do you think? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Why do you want to judge them? Let them do what they want to do. It seems that you have too much time on your hands. Do n ...
  6. The Secret to Unconditional Love

    Make your life a celebration, and celebrate everything. All the saints and great souls who have been born on Earth have given this very same message. They have always urged to uplift mankind and human values. The secret to unconditional love is to accept ...
  7. Realizing The Subtle Truths

    There are two perspectives of life:1. To see everything alive, like a person.2. To see everything as an object.When we were children, we used to see everything as a person, as a living entity. As a child, we would see the Sun smiling at us, and even the M ...
  8. How to Deepen Your Meditation

    (Below is a continuation of the post Realizing The Subtle Truths) Yesterday, someone was telling me about a unique quality of the Gir cow (an indigenous native breed of cows) we have in India. People in Gujarat who breed the Gir cow in their farms have ev ...
  9. Послание Гурудэва Шри Шри Рави Шанкара на празднование Кришна Джанмаштами 2016

    Последние 5100 с небольшим лет празднуется День рождения Кришны. Но Кришна говорит: “Я никогда не был рожден”. Это подобно тому, как горшечник делает горшок и неожиданно внутри горшка рождается пространство. Можете ли вы сказать, что сейчас зародилось про ...
  10. What Is A Sign Of Growth

    (Below is a continuation of the post Why Good Poeple Should Take More Responsibility) Is there a “right” way, or, is it all an illusion? Is there something that needs to be DONE here, or is just BEING here good enough? How to know what one should do next? ...