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  1. Learn To Care For The Environment

    Yesterday, the World Environment Day‬‬ was celebrated across the world. Only the ones who are unpolluted from within can take care of the environment. If someone’s mind is polluted with anger, aversion, hatred or greed, how can that person clean the envir ...
  2. How To Make Your Vibrations Positive

    Today is World Environmental Day. You know, environment is not just the plants, trees and mountains. We are also part of the environment. Caring for each other and seeing that we are all happy is also part of the environment. Don’t you agree? Yes! If you s ...
  3. How To Keep Your Mind Fresh

    Below is the continuation of the post How To Make Your Vibrations Positive) Gurudev, how did you feel when you were six? Could you share in what phase of your life you felt you were fully realized? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know something, I do not feel I ...
  4. Strength Lies In Unity

    (Below is the  keynote address of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar  at the Inaugural function of the Youth Solidarity Uprising Hindu Maha Yagna in Kuala Lumpur on the 4th June 2016) Respected Gentlemen on stage, my dear brothers and sisters! Only if we all are ...
  5. The Power Of The Mind

    (Below is a continuation of the post Stay Centered At All Times) Gurudev, if there are hundreds of ways to devotion, which is the right way? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The path that you are on is the way, it is the highway and it is very good! Later on you wil ...
  6. Stay Centered At All Times

    If the purpose of life is to attain liberation, is there any value for all the time we spend on our education, profession and career? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Each one has its own place. You need to do both. To make a living, you need to work, and to grow on ...
  7. Life Moves With Trust

    What is the true dimension of yoga? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yoga is connecting with the truth. It is going beyond the constraints of the mind and connecting with what is, and that is truth. I have a doubt about Lord Krishna's saying, 'Samshayatma Vinashyati ...
  8. The Beauty Of The Master's Plan

    (Below is a continuation of the post Life Moves With Trust) We all make plans and execute them. Do you have a master plan for all of us? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes. It is the master's plan that is working to make you all smile unconditionally. What is the ...
  9. The Best Way To Beat Loneliness

    People don't like to mix with me. I feel alone, what should I do? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If other people don't like you, then just let it be. Just know that the divine likes you. No need to feel bad about these things.Where is loneliness, tell me? Look at ...
  10. Life Is A Journey Into The Unknown

    There was a saint called Annamacharya, today is his birthday. He wrote the song that we just heard. He wrote about rising above caste and creed and seeing the oneness of mankind. He wrote about the presence of God in everyone’s heart and that there is onl ...