Что сказал Шри Шри сегодня (архив)

Результаты поиска

  1. Innocence with Intelligence is the right formula

    The whole world is one family, so it is necessary that we live with naturalness and simplicity; only then life blossoms. The second thing is, the wall that we erect between ourselves and others needs to be demolished. Drop all inhibitions between you and o ...
  2. Don't speak sweet lies and unpleasant truth

    Remember these three aspects - naturalness, simplicity and belongingness. I have travelled to so many countries and met thousands of people but I have never felt that anyone is a stranger and does not belong to me. When we do not feel that someone is a str ...
  3. The Divine loves you dearly

    What is the Art of Living? It is understanding the truth in life. And what is the truth? Life is full of opposite values, highs and lows. Keep the mind steady in spite of ups and downs in life. During challenging times, have an attitude of sacrifice, face ...
  4. We must always aim to attain the Divine

    Two teachers have come here from Manipur. They have done a lot of work and have reformed 500 terrorists. Bangalore has grown so much that it takes a few hours to travel from one end of the city to the other. Many people spend a lot of time traveling from f ...
  5. The highest flowering in life is being in love

    Gurudev, I am a psychologist. I want to know how can spirituality add to my knowledge and make it more holistic. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Meditation can turn around many psychiatric problems. Study consciousness more deeply. Study the Bhagavad Gita, study Yog ...
  6. Bury the past and move on!

    Dear Guruji, can we organize a worldwide meditation on the stroke of New Year of 2012, as you state that this year will bring a great change to the world. Can we start the year with meditation across the globe? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes we can do, why not! ...
  7. To experience the Divine you have to withdraw your mind

    If you see the world, you will not be able to see the Divine. If you want to experience the Divine, you have to withdraw your mind.What does the world mean? Limited identifications, limited understanding about life and judging people based on external beha ...
  8. Pooja means creating an atmosphere of Divinity and reposing in it

    Q: Guruji, how to learn to let go? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Take a deep breath in and hold. That’s it! Now you know how to let go.Gurudev, the waves in the sea goes up and then goes down. But you have said mind goes deep within and then dissolves. So, how do ...
  9. Though truth is one there are many paths and all the paths are correct

    Keep all other concepts on one side and just look into your own life; what have you learnt in your life? What are your experiences? Look at all that you thought as truth that later turned to be not true. What are the experiences which meant something at th ...
  10. A disciple should be hollow and empty

    Video   Gurudev, you have travelled the whole world. Wherever you go, you spread the message of peace. What do you feel about the bitterness and unrest among people everywhere? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: A family is formed by a person. A society is formed by fa ...