'Space' - The background in which everything is moving - the self, the space - that is still.
You should see how to make your business sustainable. To make your business sustainable, you should maintain good relationships. If you cheat on a person, that person won’t return. Your business won’t go too far.
Belongingness however does not mean you invest with your eyes closed, and blindly give out loans. You should do all the necessary things and perform document control.
You should not do business with your heart, but with your head; without losing your heart. Keep them in their own place.
If you give it to me, it is my responsibility. If you take it, it is your responsibility.
I have to think about it. My mind is like a blank space. I have to go into the memory, and we will do that some other time.
Nothing stays here, nothing sticks. Have you heard of the word ‘Kamalanayana’? Kamalnayana literally means eyes like a lotus. It does not literally mean just a lotus flower, but it refers to what the lotus flower depicts; nothing sticks to a lotus.
Whatever you say, if it doesn’t stick in the eyes and it doesn't stick to the mind, that is Kamalanayana. To some extent everybody is Kamalanayana. Many times we see many things, but they don’t get into our heads.
Dwelling on the past events and worrying about it does not benefit you at all. Just believe that whatever has happened in the past, that was your fate. Whatever is going to happen in the future is your own freewill and live happily in the present.
Foolish people think that everything in the past was free will. They think about how they could have done things differently and become sad. People feel that future is fate and remain sad in the present. This is foolishness.
He needs to do more of these courses. It is not enough.
It is only in experience, it cannot be explained. It is something like when you feel that space is like solid. Knowledge, space and silence can all feel as though they are a substance.
Solidified means that which is real. If you ask scientists, they say what appears to be real or material is not real. It is all just space, but it feels real to us. In the same way, it is an experience in meditation when the mind is absolutely still, you will find that the silence is solidified. That’s why they say 'Gyan Ghan' (solidified knowledge). This is a term often used in Sanskrit. It is an experience.