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  1. Sudarshan Kriya Research Slides

    Research Overview and References ...
  2. Sudarshan Kriya for Depression

    Summary of Research Studies on Sudarshan Kriya in Peer Reviewed Journals More than a dozen published studies have documented significant relief from depression in individuals who learned and practiced Sudarshan Kriya and accompanying breathing techniques ...
  3. Research on Sudarshan Kriya

    Physical & mental health benefits, often shown from the very first session. And results are cumulative; they grow stronger over time. Sudarshan Kriya and accompanying breathing practices, referred to collectively as SKY and taught through the Art of L ...
  4. Sudarshan Kriya- Research

    Several independent research studies ( on the numerous mental and physical health benefits of the Sudarshan Kriya have been published in international peer-reviewed journals and confirm what participants commonly report. A number of re ...