GURUDEV SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR: Good, good, I would say you are love. You simply have to know how you can get rid of your negative emotions, your guilt, your fear, your anxiety. These things you can do by attending to the breath. You see the mind and emotions are so abstract, and the body is concrete (we think it is concrete, it is really not concrete if you ask physicists). There is something in between these two (mind, emotions and body) that is the breath, which is a little bit concrete and yet abstract. The breath has the connection or the secret of transforming the negative emotions into positive ones. You know, with every emotion, there is a particular rhythm in the breath. So through the breath, you can handle negative emotions. What happens is you simply realize, as an experience, that you are a fountain of love. So the self doubt disappears, the self blame disappears; a sense of peace and wellness dawns from within you. When you feel wellness and a sense of peace within you, then that’s what you radiate and bring to the world around you. You will make others happy, you will make others peaceful. It all begins where you are, actually. So all that you need to do is pay a little bit of attention on your breath, understand the science of breath, meditate a little bit (not more than 10-20 minutes a day, that is good enough). Even knowing how the breath can help one to overcome negative feelings is good enough; it is like learning to ride a bicycle, once you know it, anytime you can do it, you don’t have to do it every day even.