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Rhythms of Breath Calm the Mind
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 32 Contd. from knowledge sheet 31 " Prachchardana vidharanabhyam va pranasya'' prachchardana = by splitting (expulsion); vidharanabhyam = by retention; va = optionally; pranasya = of breath "By spl ... -
Keep your mind engaged in the thoughts of the enlightened
Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 35 Contd. from knowledge sheet 34 “Vitaragavishayamvachittam’’ vitaraga = beyond cravings; vishayam = objects; va = or; chittam = mind “That mind which is free from craving for objects blossoms fully.”- Patanjali Yoga ... -
Meditation Influences the Creation
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 16 Contd. from knowledge sheet 15 "Bhavapratyayo videhaprakrutilayanam" That which is caused by this existence (i.e., you meditating in this level of existence) also influences those who do not have a body ... -
When you say Om, the prana is total, complete
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 22 Contd. from knowledge sheet 21 “Sa esha purveshamapi guruhu kalenanavachchedat’’ saha = that, He; eshaha = this, here; purvesham = of the ancients (of those who lived before); api = too; guruhu = master; kalena = ... -
Om chanting: Clearing obstacles from your path
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 23 Contd. from knowledge sheet 22 Remembering the Lord with Om "Tajjapastadartha bhavanam" tad = its; japaha = repetition; tad = its; artha = meaning; bhavanam = feeling “When you remember it (the Divine) b ... -
9 Obstacles on the Path
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 25 Contd. from knowledge sheet 24 Remembering the Lord with Om "Tajjapastadartha bhavanam" tad = its; japaha = repetition; tad = its; artha = meaning; bhavanam = feeling “When you remember it (the Divine) b ... -
Educate and ignore people who do sinful acts
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 31 Contd. from knowledge sheet 30 Ignore people who do sinful acts- ‘upeksha’. If somebody says some untruth, just brush it off. It is not worth thinking about them. We do the reverse, we do not think about people wh ... -
One-pointed Mind is Joy
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 27 Contd. from knowledge sheet 26 Now, how to get rid of these obstacles? "Tatpratishedharthamekatattvabhyasaha'' tat = their; pratisheda = prevention; artham = for; eka = one; tattva = principle; abh ... -
Are You Really Happy? Or is it All an Illusion?
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 3 In the earlier posts, we told you the story of how Patanjali came to be. We now begin the series on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Atha yoganushasanam Now I will enunciate the discipline of Yoga.- Patanjali Yoga Sut ... -
Feel happy, become one with people doing a good job
Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 30 Contd. from knowledge sheet 29 People who are doing a good job or meritorious job, those who have a lot of merits, who are blessed, feel happy with them. Become one with them. Feel that you are doing the job with ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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