Long Kriya
les Lundis
Experience the Presence of Divinity
  • Learn the chanting of the puja
  • Explore the mysteries of vedic knowledge
  • Connect with the tradition of masters

Guru Puja is a traditional ceremony of gratitude honoring the lineage of spiritual Masters who have been the custodians of the knowledge of the Self. Under the loving guidance of Bhanu, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s sister, one learns to chant and perform the Guru Puja. Chanting the Guru Puja unites our minds with this tradition of Masters. Many participants report an experience of the presence of Divinity during the course and from performing the Puja. The course also includes beautiful ancient knowledge, lovely guru stories and a profound feeling of the presence of these great Masters.


Art of Living Teacher or

TTC part 1 course + Two Art Of Living Silence Retreat + Sahaj Samadhi Meditation course or

Four Art of Living Silence Retreat + Sahaj Samadhi Meditation course

Long Kriya
les Lundis
Maison Libellule,
13 Rue des Peupliers, Pau, France, 64000
19:15 - 21:00
Course Id: 970066


Suivi du Sudarshan Krya en version longue.

Séance animée par un professeur de l'Art de Vivre, réservée aux personnes ayant fait le stage l'Art du Bonheur / l'Art de Respirer en présentiel.

Pour les personnes ayant appris le Sudarshan Krya en ligne: me contacter

Participation à régler sur place : 5€

Réservation : Benoît BAILLET 06 67 15 28 89