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Meditation technique shows positive effect on HIV+ patients
A unique pilot study by the National AIDS Research Institute (NARI) has found that regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya meditation technique and breathing exercise, has worked positively with HIV affected persons who are still not on anti-retroviral therapy ... -
Bend your back to save those beautiful hair
Does combing your hair sends shivers down your spine? Try these yoga poses which can help to stop hair loss. However it’s very important for us to understand that yoga can help to prevent the condition at first stage rather and results shown in prevention ... -
How 6 young women rekindled HOPE in Uttarakhand
While death and destruction continue to hound the dark alleys of Uttarakhand, six young women dynamos of the Art of Living Foundation risked their own lives to bring about an awe-inspiring transformation in the scattered lives of several ill-fated women re ... -
‘Yogathon’ attracts 200 participants
KUCHING: Nearly 200 participants bid good morning to the sun yesterday in a ‘Yogathon’ held at the State Youth and Sports Complex here. Organised by the Kuching branch of ‘Art of Living’, the Yogathon challenges people — yoga practitioners or not, both you ... -
The Joy of Giving
Sukumaran Nair sits patiently under the shade of a tree across the statue of a mother and child at the Thiruvananthapuram Medical College. The old man is a patient who can barely walk. He calls a younger man and inquires when lunch will be served. Nived ... -
Leadership Symposium in the United Nations,Geneva
350 world leaders attend World Forum For Ethics in Business in Geneva,United Nations Wider realization that we need to change the players if we are to change the game, was the major take-home of 'The International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business ... -
Art of Living reaches out for relief work in Uttarakhand
Provides immediate trauma-relief to the evacuees In an initiative to provide immediate material and trauma relief to the evacuees of the calamity-struck Uttarakhand, The Art of Living volunteers in Dehradun and North India under the aegis of Volunteer For ... -
Save water, Save Bengaluru says Sri Sri
Bengaluru, 8th June, 2013: It was a ‘walk and talk’ led by The Art of Living Founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inspiring Bangaloreans to come forward and solve the water woes the city has been facing. Titled ‘Walk for Water’, the walkathon which saw pa ... -
30 prisoners bringing transformation in Karnataka prisons
30 inspired and transformed prisoners who are currently serving a jail-term are giving a new ray of hope to other prison inmates in Karnataka by conducting trauma and stress relief programs of The Art of Living. Thirty inmates came to meet Gurudev Sri Sri ... -
Lakhs connect online with Sri Sri
This will go down as an unique face to face between the ancient and modern. When renowned humanitarian and founder of the Art of Living Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar took to Facebook with a live event on Sunday, the modern social network turned into a livel ...

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.
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