Published on 5th June, 2014
MARGAO: World spiritual leader Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Wednesday hoped that the new government at the centre would rid the country of the scams and slums even as he favoured a ban on alcohol on the lines of Gujarat.
“Everybody worked hard to create awareness amongst voters, because of which there was unprecedented voter campaign and the result is there to see where people have voted for a strong and stable government. Let’s now hope that the stable and strong government would rid the country of the scams and the slums”, he said, while expressing his views on’ My India My views’ during an interaction at the Ravindra Bhavan, Margao on the occasion of launching of the Save Life India project.
When he was asked to reply to a question on alcoholism in Goan society, he said “Gujarat is the first state where beef and alcohol are banned. Slowly and similarly, every province should start banning alcohol. At the same time, we should start teaching happiness programs in every village and slum. All this will definitely keep a control on the vice”.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said that he would like an India which would be free from slums, corruption, violence and injustice. “India is torn up by religion and caste differences. I would like to have an India free from injustices, corruption, and violence, where farmers and the youth are happy”, he said.
Asked for his comment on the laws governing the country’s prisons, he said the country has to improve upon laws in many spheres. “We have to improve the law in Manipur state where majority of the people owns only a small percentage of land. I am confident that the new and strong government at the centre will change the law. Likewise, there are many laws that need to be changed in the country”, he added.
When a question was posed to him about people turn against one another for no reason, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said one should not worry too much when people turn against you. “Such things do happen. See how much Narendra Modi was bashed up and was accused of so many things he had not done, but he came out of that. People who turns against you are in a miniscule minority. They have even alleged that Art of living has grabbed land admeasuring 50 acres at Mandia”, he said.
Earlier, he launched the Save Life India, an all India blood donors club at the Ravindra Bhavan.