(Business vector designed by Freepik and below is a continuation of the post Moving Higher)
Today, I want to tell you one thing. See, the kind of food that we eat in India is acidic in nature. Eating acidic food causes joint pain, lethargy and diseases in our body. So what should we do about this? We need to make the blood alkaline to balance this. So I would suggest you to drink alkaline water. Do this and see how it brings a change in your health.
All vegetables are alkaline, while fruits are mainly acidic. Spices, rice and even milk is acidic. So you need to change this. Two to three hours after your meals, you should drink some alkaline water. Do not drink it immediately before or after your food, as the food will not get digested properly.
How can you make water alkaline? Take one litre of water, put four cut pieces of cucumber and two small pieces of lemon in it. Keep this overnight and the water becomes alkaline. Drink a glass of this alkaline water two to three hours after your food. Or if you have already drunk some alkaline water, then you should leave a gap of at least one to two hours before you have eat your meals. Try this and see how the pH of your blood becomes better.
Reduce the quantity of grains and cereals in your meals. Food should get well digested. We eat so much and then it does not get digested well, because of which you experience cramps and aches in the body. So once every few days, do not have any grains or cereals in your meals at all, just have raw or boiled vegetables.
We have a tradition in our country that on the days of Ekadashi, we fast and do not take any grains. Why is this so? For 15 days we consume all sorts of grains and rice, and that creates acidity in the body. By fasting and avoiding grains completely for one day, that phenomenon (of acidity) gets reversed.
Nowadays we have left that tradition, or sometimes we do not get time to follow it properly. So, every two to three months, for a few days, you should only have boiled vegetables with a little salt, and no grains at all. Do this and see what good change you experience in your health.
We often boil vegetables too much, and drain away all the water in which the vegetables have been boiled. When we do this, all the nutrients are lost and we eat only the remaining portion, which is not very nutritious. You should not boil them too much, except potatoes.
Eating potatoes raw is no good. Usually in India, people often have tomatoes, potatoes and brinjals, and eat less of green vegetables. We should consume more of green vegetables. You should also have the Oorja tablets from our Sri Sri Ayurveda. It helps to complete all the deficiencies in our diet.
Do you know, drumsticks are so rich in vitamins and minerals. It is said that the leaves of the drumstick tree have nutrition equal to 10 bananas and 20 oranges. Our body should get balanced and nutritious food.
Both are true. Spirituality promotes leadership. It helps you take up responsibility. What does Leadership mean? It means responsibility and inspiration together. It means walking the talk. It is these three things together.
A good leader walks the talk, takes responsibility and inspires people around to also walk the talk and take responsibility.
When you see an organization or other people doing this, then you also feel inspired to do the same and many others also feel like doing the same.
1. Teamwork is very essential in any organization. We need to learn team work
2. The human touch is also important; though not too much of it
3. We need to keep in mind that emotional and ego-related issues should not enter business. When these issues creep into any organization’s structure, then they slow hinder the progress of the organization.
If a person in an organization thinks “This person did not invite me”, or “That person does not respect me”, or “This person takes all the credit”, etc., then that is no good. We need to do away with these kinds of small bickering
4. Effective communication. You should put forth your good ideas also. It is not enough to just do good work and say, “I am so good and I do so much good work”. You also have to project it; communicate your good work in the organization.
If you just attend to these four points, then everything will keep moving well. I tell you, there will be some favourable and some unfavourable times in any organization. All that you need to know in such times is to look inside. Do not lose faith. Have confidence and move ahead with conviction. That is essential.
When energy rises in you, then there is joy and enthusiasm. When your energy levels go down, then a person feels dejected, like a punctured flat tyre. This is what happens.
When energy rises in you, then you feel good and everyone around you seems nice. When energy is lost, then you feel that everyone is good for nothing. You lose enthusiasm.
Listen, if your own parents though this way about you, can you imagine where you would have been today?
See, it is good that you ask this question, “Who am I?” You should keep this question with yourself. This question helps you move ahead on the spiritual path. But do not forget that you have a responsibility towards your husband and your kids. You have to fulfill that, and you should do it with complete honesty and sincerity.
Do not go on the pleasure trip and think, “I will do only that which gives me comfort and pleasure”, that is no good. People who follow pleasure alone get ruined, but people who follow commitment in life, those who do service towards others, will surely shine out.
Remember that you have a responsibility at home. Keep your family happy and united. Meditate every day to find your inner happiness. Do not expect something from your kids.
I do not think that you have simply asked this question. It seems like some fear has come into your mind, because of hearing and seeing the TV serials today. Or maybe because of something else. I tell you, you do your duty towards your children, and remember that God is there to take care of you. You have not produced children so that they take care of you in the future. If that was the intention, then you are totally mistaken. I do not think this is the idea in any mother’s mind.
You can control the mind by being in silence, and speaking little. And you should also meditate regularly.