Boone, North Carolina
Be like the Christmas tree; evergreen, shining, full of lights and full of gifts.
So everyone here is a Christmas tree. A Christmas tree only gives, it doesn’t take anything for itself. It just gives. So go with that thought, I’m a Christmas tree!
Come summer or winter or fall, it never falls, never springs. All through the year it’s green and in winter it gives presents.
In this whole drama, this
complex game of life and
society, is inevitable.
Things come and fleet
away. And everything
that comes and goes has
a purpose. A thorn and a
soft rose petal, they both
have their purpose.
I want to see everyone smiling and happy. Just create waves of happiness, everything else is irrelevant. In the world things happen, some pleasant, some unpleasant. Some things happen the way you want it, some things don’t happen the way you want. Bundle it all and put it aside. Nothing can really take away your happiness.
When you have had a good meditation, and when the prana is high, what do you feel? Nothing matters! Right? How many of you feel that way? (Many in the audience raise their hands) Nothing really matters! This is what we need to know. When you know nothing matters, you are happy.
Happiness is our very nature. What overshadows this happiness is, ‘I want this', or, 'I want that'. ‘I want something’, this is what puts away happiness.
When you say nothing what so ever matters, immediately freedom is there. Just keep this in mind, that’s all. Nothing, what so ever will matter!
In the world there is always some imperfection, some pleasant things, some unpleasant things. Some things happen the way you want it to happen, some things the way you don’t want it to happen; it’s part of creation. When nothing matters to you then things happen the way you want. 90% things would automatically happen, or whatever is happening that is what you would want.
In this whole drama, in this whole universe of multitude, of diversity, this complex game of life and society is inevitable. Things come and fleet away, and everything that comes and goes has a purpose. A thorn and a soft rose petal, they both have their purpose. It boils down to our first point, opposite values are complimentary.
Don’t worry about anything. No need to be scared or worried about anything. You’ll say, 'I don’t worry about the world but I worry about my connection to the path, to the knowledge, to God and all that'. I tell you, it can never go! That will not go. You don’t worry about it at all. Do you get it? Your connection with the Divine can never go.
Though Jesus says in his last moment, ‘God have you forsaken me?’ He immediately realized that no, he has not forsaken me. But that pain sometimes brings that question, ‘Oh God, have you forsaken me?’
So what is the essence? Nothing matters!
Listen to Ashtavakra Gita again and again. Aho Niranjan! You are untouched, unblemished. The consciousness is so pure, so beautiful, unblemished. It is fantastic.
Many times we think we have heard and we know it and we keep it aside. Again and again listening to it opens new avenues. Ashtavakra is such precious knowledge. Isn’t it?
Sometimes I open the book and I say, ‘Wow, it looks so fresh and new!’ Never think you have done it or you know it. Ten years later you open the same two sentences and you read it and you’ll see, ‘Ah wow! The small mind is a wave in the ocean, but I‘m the ocean.’
When that realization strikes the mind, then what can disturb you? Nothing!
No need to be scared or
worried about anything.
You’ll say, 'I don’t worry
about the world but I
worry about my
connection to God'.
I tell you, it can never go!
Your connection with the
Divine can never go.
Even if you get disturbed, never mind! It’s okay. 'Okay, I got disturbed, so what?' Move on. I think it gradually happens. Sometimes you don’t even notice it that you’ve suddenly become unconditionally happy!
We have a senior teacher who used to complain all the time and was not happy. In recent years he said, ‘Gurudev, you know what, I’m happy! I discovered I’m happy come what may! Nothing seems to matter. I’m happy. Something inside of me has changed.’
I said, ‘Yes, people are noticing that.’
Just being on this path for many years you discover nothing matters anymore. Nothing can shake you, nothing can disturb you. Something pleasant or unpleasant came and went.
Natures does that. Like before making the bread you knead the dough. That kneading, that’s what nature does to our mind. Then you say, ‘Okay! I’m ready!’
Nature does that to you. From different corners it punches so that you become strong. Mother natures’ every punch is not out of anger towards you, it’s out of care, so that you become strong.