The nature of this world is conflicts. There is a saying – when you stitch a cloth at one end, it tears at another. One conflict gets resolved, but another gets started at another place. So, getting perturbed by it is futile.
Also, don't run away from conflicts. Turn your attention inwards and act. If you lose your cool in a situation, so what? Move as though nothing has happened. One day, everything is going to go away, including you yourself, so what's the point in brooding over things? That which is unchanging is the Truth.
There is a beautiful philosophy in Jainism called Syaadvada, which can be translated as Perhaps-ness. The truth is that everything in this world is uncertain even though we live as if everything is certain.
Certainty is the cause of anger. We get upset when things don't go the way we think they should have gone. Uncertainty liberates us from anger or any form of violence because then we realize that a situation or a person has so many possibilities. It saves us from getting agitated when events flow in one way or the other.
Certainty brings comfort. Uncertainty brings adventure, makes you alive, and invokes creativity in you.
A very Happy Guru Poornima to you. We have been given the highest blessings.

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Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Guru Purnima Message
"The celebration of Guru Purnima is to remind you that you need to reflect on the truth that –
you are light."
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
speaks to devotees around the world through his heartfelt message on the occasion of Guru Purnima.