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  1. A Yogi’s Wish List This Christmas

    Although enlightenment tops the wish list of a yogi, you might not be able to gift it. Nevertheless, try something materialistic. We bring you top 7 Christmas gift ideas for your yogi friend. Who doesn’t like gifts? Especially on Christmas! This year, let ...
  2. Why Yoga Should Be On Your Resolution List

    Top 6 reasons to make yoga one of your New Year resolutions. Come December and out are those personal diaries which may be lying somewhere covered in dust. These diaries are out for a reason at this time of the year. For, it’s the time to exercise your gr ...
  3. Do I Need to Go to a Yoga Class?

    Technology has made incredible advances and now the age-old science of yoga is just a mouse-click or remote-button away. But hold on! If you are already feeling happy, thinking that it would save you a lot of time and effort in going to a formal yoga clas ...
  4. Purification through Five Types of Fire

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 50 Contd. from knowledge sheet 49 When your head is clogged with worry, tension, unpleasant thoughts and nightmares, fasting would be a great help. There is a great deal of research on fasting. Just fast on water or ju ...
  5. Dancing through Life with Yoga

    Carrying the heart of a small child at the age of 32, Plakor Kovacevic’s personality radiates exceptional dynamism. And it’s his regular yoga practice of 10 years that he owes it to. There’s been no looking back ever since. Hailing from Croatia and now an ...
  6. Five Types of Fire

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 49 Contd. from knowledge sheet 48 Fire sustains life. There are five types of fire. One is Bhutagni. Bhutagni means the fire with which you heat your home, to keep warmth in yourself. It sustains life. The physical fir ...
  7. Willingly going through that which is not easy is tapas

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 48 Contd. from knowledge sheet 47 What is Kriya Yoga? It comprises three parts. Patanjali says  tapaha. Tapas  is endurance, acceptance. Say you are traveling in a plane; it is a long-distance flight. You are sitting a ...
  8. Introduction to Kriya Yoga

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 47 Contd. from knowledge sheet 46 When somebody is anxious, they are unaware of time, of every moment passing, isn’t it? This is because the whole focus is on the event, on the happening, rather than just on the time. ...
  9. Diabetes? Yoga to the Rescue

    Know more about the important role of yoga practice in fighting a common condition called diabetes. Diabetes – a name that is no longer foreign. These days, this condition can happen to anybody, irrespective of age, place, or genetic history. Yet, there’s ...
  10. Yoga Tips for naturally glowing skin

    Admiring those glowing faces in beauty cream advertisements, we often wonder if we too could have a skin so young and beautiful. Well, it’s not a far-fetched dream anymore! Now you too can flaunt healthy, radiant skin that draws attention. And the good ne ...
Displaying 101 - 110 of 216