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  1. Combating Corona: Every holistic way that can boost your immunity against COVID-19

    Schools shut down, markets in disarray, some  countries even in a lockdown- this is the global impact that has been caused by the COVID-19 Coronavirus. This virus originated in the Wuhan district of China in December 2019 and, in a few months, has become ...
  2. An Undying Smile- The Ayurvedic Way!

    Oral health means more than just 'good teeth'- it is integral to general health, essential for our well-being, and is a determinant of quality of life. It allows us to speak, smile, kiss, touch, taste, chew, swallow and cry. If oral health is no ...
  3. Currying Flavor with Curry Leaves

    Curry leaves are the aromatic and versatile little leaves that can transform even an ordinary dish like upma or poha into a gourmet’s delight. They are a staple part of the Indian diet because of their distinctive flavor and visual appeal they add to the ...
  4. Peppered with Benefits

    Think “Hot and Pungent” and what comes to mind is pepper, with its sneeze-inducing potency. Known world-over, black pepper is the world’s most widely used spice – and India’s most ancient one. Peppercorns were much prized as a form of commodity money and ...
  5. How Ayurveda Can Prevent Swine Flu

    With the number of people reeling under the onslaught of Swine Flu (H1N1 virus) going upwards at a rapid pace, everybody has been panicking and fearing for the safety of their loved ones. To deal with this fear and anxiety, and to take the necessary preca ...
  6. Shila Abhyanga – Hot Stone Massage Therapy

    From the ancient treasure-chest of Ayurveda, there comes a type of massage that is gaining popularity the world over. This is Shila Abhyanga, (hot stone massage)- the ancient Ayurvedic technique that uses herbal Ayurvedic oils and basalt stones heated in ...
  7. Cumin Out On Top Of Your Medicine Chest

    Do Your Health a Flavor For millennia, India has been currying flavor – with cumin seed. Seeds excavated in India have been dated to the second millennium BC.  The ancient Egyptians used it for both spicing their food as well as preserving their “mummies” ...
  8. Coriander: Your in-house doctor

    The power-packed green, that must-have sprinkle of chopped green leaves that zings up your bowl of steaming soup or your favorite pav-bhaji, and also packs a lot of medicinal punch – coriander! All the parts ranging from leaves to stems, seeds and roots a ...
  9. Win over bad breath with yoga and pranayama

    Is bad breath the culprit behind your low confidence, poor social life, and hesitation to speak? Clinically known as Halitosis, bad breath is a common occurrence among people everywhere. Stressful lifestyles, along with hectic work schedules disturb the b ...
  10. 16 Ayurvedic therapies for a healthier you!

    Abhyanga   Abhyanga is a full body massage involving light rhythmic strokes. The therapy uses a special herbal oil recommended for relaxation. The massage helps in the following: Increases circulation Tones muscles Improves elimination of impurities fro ...
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