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  1. 7 Tips to Stay Sane While Your kids are Home During the COVID-19 Shutdown

    By Vivek Gulati | Posted: March 16, 2020 So my son’s school is closed for 2 weeks, and then there’s a two week break after that. When I first heard that he was going to be home for 4 weeks--with potentially no camp or after school activities--I freaked ou ...
  2. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens

    A mother’s job has no retirement age and her child is always a priority. As kids grow older than 7, they start exploring the world and its ways, adding to their library of discoveries and learning. For pre-teens, it is a transformative period and often ma ...
  3. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens-2

    W ithout naughtiness, childhood isn't complete. Kids are born with a streak of naughtiness- it is natural. Yet, sometimes, they go out of control and that's what a mother doesn't want. Are you one of those anxious moms searching for a solut ...
  4. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens-3

    T oday, television has become an addiction for kids. They watch television when they are eating, when they are studying, when they are put to sleep, and sometimes even in the morning before they leave for school. They are hooked to television like a spide ...
  5. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens-4

    I s your kid finding it difficult to make friends? Friendship is such an important relationship in every kid’s life. In a way, it completes them. But what could be the reason for a few kids finding it difficult to make friends? Dear Concerned Mother, your ...
  6. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens-5

    I s your kid overweight because he loves indulging in fatty, oily, and yummy food? Does his/her obesity concern you? Challenge #5 talks about dealing with kids who crave yummy food and are no-no to nutritious food. Find relief in meditation, nutritious fo ...
  7. A Mother's Guide to Raising Fine Pre-teens-6

    A re you wondering if your kid’s passion could become their profession? Has this wonder turned into a botheration? If yes, give this article a read. Challenge #6: Academics Versus Passion: What Should Your Kid Choose? Tip #1: If your daughter likes to dan ...
  8. Expert Q and A: Making Meditation Child-friendly!

    As parents, one wonders how many sleepless nights have gone by worrying about one’s toddler. We want the best for them—health-wise, education-wise, actually the best in every way. And that is precisely why meditation appeals to parents who have tried it t ...
  9. 5 Reasons Why Children Need to Meditate

    Think about it. How often would you tell your children not to study and just watch TV instead? Probably not too many times, right? Why, because you obviously want the best for them. And who other than you would know the best for your child? You always wan ...
  10. How to Get Your Child Started With Meditation?

    Do you have a pre-teen child in your life that you’d like to be closer to? Perhaps you are a parent or an uncle or aunt or grandparent and you’d like to find a way to support the child in your life to be happier and healthier. A very special thing we can ...
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