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Program Remaja
Seminar Untuk Orangtua- Kenalilah Anak Anda (Usia 4th-7th) Kenali anak anda dan kenali masa remaja adalah workshop dengan waktu 2 jam bagi orang tua untuk membantu mereka lebih memahami anak-anak mereka / masa remaja dan membuat orangtua mendapatkan p ... -
A deeper passion
Director Through the Art of Living, my symptoms from the stroke I suffered in June 2007 improved by almost 70%. I continue with the breathing practice I had learnt on the course everyday without fail. I have not skipped a day since 28th October 2007. ... -
Spiritual Experience
Find out the purpose of your life Discover the mystical secrets of life and creation Experience freedom and explore the innermost depth of your being Take gentle guided steps on the path to enlightenment Experience the absolute truth, highest knowledge an ... -
Personality Development
"In the history of the universe, there has been nobody like you and to the infinity of time to come, there will be no one like you. You are original. You are rare. You are unique. Celebrate your Uniqueness." – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar What i ... -
Sri Sri Yoga
A Pure form of Yoga Yoga Poses for Beginners Learn Yoga Asanas Stress Free Body and Mind Learn Yoga Postures Gerakan murni yoga untuk pemula dan Tingkat lanjut Sri Sri Yoga- Cara tubuh dan pikiran untuk terbebas dari stres Selamat ... -
YES! + Course (18-30 yrs)
Jadilah yang terbaik- Belajar bagaimana memberikan yang terbaik! Meningkatkan kreativitas anda Pemberdayaan Remaja melalui tehnik Yoga, Meditasi dan Ketrampilan Mengatasi Stress Manfaat Utama bagi Remaja/Dewasa Dini YES+ merupakan pelatihan ya ... -
The Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES!)
Joy Joy Dynamism Dynamism Exuberance Exuberance Saying YES! To Life Saying YES! To Life The Youth Empowerment Seminar (YES!) is a dynamic and fun program that challenges teens to take responsibility for their life and provides a comprehensive set of pract ... -
Seni Meditasi
Meditasi Berhubungan Dengan Alam Pikiran Art of Meditation (AOM) adalah tehnik yang mudah dan efektif untuk merasakan ketenangan di dalam kesadaran manusia. AOM juga dikenal dengan sebutan “Sahaj Samadhi”. “Sahaj” dalam bahasa Sanseke ...