Meditation for Insomnia
Are you having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you wake up feeling unrefreshed? Perhaps you’ve...

These 4 tips can help you improve your focus
Read these simple tips and increase your focus.

8 effective natural remedies for a migraine
These simple lifestyle changes could go a long way.

5 Tips to Handle Stressful Situations at Work
“Stress is too much to do, too little time, and no energy,” quotes...

5 Important Soft Skills & How You Can Nurture Them (Part-2)
This is a continuation from #3 Be Open Minded If there's one...

Tips To Beat Common Cold
Is your nose red from sneezing all day? Or do you find yourself recording body temperature every 2 hours, praying...

All You Need to Know To Be A Successful Professional Athlete-2
This is continued from Tip #5 – Post-Retirement Plans For A New Career In athletics, retirement comes fairly early...

Tips To Handle The Challenges Of A Career In Athletics
A professional athlete’s key to success lies in his ability to...

Five Tips for Men to Make Meditation a Habit (part-2)
Tip #3: Take A 60-day Meditation Challenge Having convinced yourself...

Five Tips For Men To Make Meditation A Habit (part-1)
Are you a busy man who appreciates the value of meditation but...

Meditation – A Free Fall into Yourself
Shreya Chugh, an Art of Living teacher for youth courses and...

Meditation: The Taste of True Freedom
Every human being wants to be free. But when the mind gets caught up in a never-ending list of day-to-day activities,...

Meditation: A Budget-Free Retreat
I wish everyday was a Sunday; I am so stuck with work... I wish I could take a holiday; Who really has the time...

Live Life To The Fullest With Meditation
It was Friday evening. Priyanka and I decided to try out a new...

Meditation for a Travel Bug
There are two kinds of people in this world. One, for whom traveling...

Meditation In Daily Life
Meditation is like taking a bath to wash the mind. You can take...