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  1. 10 steps to happiness

    In the world, people are either dreaming of happiness or remembering happiness. That is either being in the past or the future. But happiness is that which is in the present. Many times you postpone your happiness until some perfect future date, but it ne ...
  2. Happiness that comes from making others happy

    Happiness is of two types: the happiness of taking and the happiness of giving. A child enjoys taking things. They want to possess. You take children to a toy shop and that’s it! They would want to bring the whole toy shop home. They would like to grab ev ...
  3. The causes of unhappiness

    There is one thing that everybody is seeking, and that is happiness. It is not that people don’t find, they do find happiness but it doesn’t last too long. It is momentary; for a couple of hours or one or two days. But the tendency of the spirit is to fin ...
  4. Be Happy Right Now

    Every living creature wants to be happy. And to be happy, people seek something: money, power or sex, but often even after getting it, they are not happy. Or happiness is very short-lived. A child thinks he will be happy once he goes to college. Once in c ...
  5. A team leader's guide on effective remote teamwork: Tips to make this period easy, & efficient

    The COVID-19 virus is changing the ways we’re looking at life and living. Social isolation is the most responsible action to take right now. As a team leader, how do you maintain corporate targets, culture, and communication? Here’s a quick guide on how y ...
  6. Interesting challenges you should enjoy when you are working from home

    Were you among those who prayed every Monday for an extended weekend? Or did you want to only watch movies and chill at home? Were you among those who wished that there was forever work from home and complained, ‘Why do we have to work?’ Well, then, the c ...
  7. This is how you can work effectively from home during the corona crisis

    The outbreak of the deadly COVID-19 has made the entire world go topsy turvy. After being declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), millions are quarantined to fight the disease from spreading further. The entire world has come to a stan ...
  8. In times of Corona: Making your stay at home productive and memorable

    In many movies like the Will Smith starrer Independence Day, Roland Emmerich’s The Day after Tomorrow  and to a little extent even The Dark Knight Rises, the epic conclusion of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, we see a large section of the society ...
  9. Top tips to increase your productivity this exam season

    The onset of March brings with itself the promise of spring. The weather starts turning pleasant as the remaining harshness of the winter ebbs away. There’s a sense of pleasant expectation in the air. However, it is difficult for students to enjoy the wea ...
  10. Be your own Valentine with these 10 ways

    Valentine’s Day is upon us again and are you among those who are wondering to be your own Valentine? Let us tell you that it is the easiest thing to do!  Loving oneself is not an act. Loving oneself comes naturally. Self-love, self-partnering are among po ...