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  1. How can you lead an independent life? Four ways to make it on your own

    I don’t need anyone. I can do it on my own. When was the first time you said this? Probably when you were three or four and fell down, only to realize no one saw or ‘cared’ (sniff!)! Subsequently, you probably declared this to yourself on numerous occasio ...
  2. The power of good memories, the famous Harry Potter charm and Patanjali Yogasutras

    The dementors, swathes of black clouds mounted over Harry, ready to suck his life. Harry, however, focused his thoughts on his best friends, Ron and Hermoine- his happiest memories- and screamed, ‘Expecto Patronum!’ A shield of dazzling silver burst out f ...
  3. How to be aware at all times?

    As a teen who grew up with ADHD(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), I could first-hand relate with the havoc a scattered and uncontrolled mind could cause. Therefore, resorting to  meditation and cultivating mindfulness every waking second became a ...
  4. How physics lovers can find treasure in Indian scriptures

    My dearest high school love has been physics. Like Aladdin taking princess Jasmine on a trip among stars, it has taken me on trips spanning light-years. As I browsed my mind over atoms, fluids, moving objects, light and everything else in my physics class ...
  5. The world is changing and it’s not good news!

    The time is 9am. I am here in upper Dharamkot, Dharamshala, India. Dharamshala as most of you would know is a region in the mountainous region of Himachal Pradesh. I have been coming regularly here for the past 10 years. However, this is the first time I ...
  6. Why being mature is the new cool

    Maturity isn’t something you either have or don’t have. It’s a spectrum and a variable. It’s how much you have, and depends on your reactions to the events in your life. Some people are better prepared for certain specific happenings in their life, and th ...
  7. Saptapadi: All that you need to know about the seven steps of marriage

    We all dream about those perfect moments in life: winning the school sports championship trophy, or the academic gold medal, receiving that coveted admission letter to an ivy league university, and then bagging that first dream job offer. How wonderful wa ...
  8. Looking for a pause in the day? Try these phrases

    The beats were snazzy and snappy. The drum roll, the twang of the electric guitar and the synthesizer keeping up. Heads were banging, and everybody seemed to move with their expression of the rhythm within. A slow voice began singing words which most were ...
  9. Significance of Number 108

    I would exasperate me, making me wait for the end to come. Because the last bead promised freedom. Let me explain: the number 108 is ubiquitous among many households, believed to be  auspicious, a protector, and a guarantor. Nothing wrong can happen if on ...
  10. How to stay inspired by deadlines

    All great leaders, whose influence on the world has transcended time, have spoken enough about the impact of time. Yet many of us still seem so perplexed with the challenges around it: There is not sufficient time! Wonder how to manage it, given there is ...