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  1. Simple lifestyle hacks for mild Covid symptoms

    Experiencing mild symptoms of Covid-19? If yes, along with consulting your doctor, there are a few kitchen remedies and lifestyle hacks that can help you. According to the director of AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences), Dr. Randeep Guleria, m ...
  2. How Sudarshan Kriya & meditation healed Covid-19 warriors

    The power of the breath & a relaxed mind play a large role in healing While the world went indoors to stay safe from the pandemic, thousands of men and women in blue and white fought for the lives of our loved ones. They breathed inside suffocating PP ...
  3. 6 simple ways to boost your Emotional Intelligence skills

    We hear a lot about the importance of Emotional intelligence (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) especially in these pandemic times when Covid-19 has ensured that the whole world is locked up inside their houses. The absence of physical interactions has made ...
  4. Yale & BIDMC independently endorse Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) for boosting mental health of students

    July 2020: Recently, researchers at Yale University and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have independently published research findings stating the efficacy of the Art of Living’s Sudarshan Kriya Yoga technique as a stress management tool.  Wh ...
  5. 6 simple recipes to balance kapha imbalance

    Do you sometimes feel a dip in physical energy? Or worried that your clothes are not fitting as well thanks to a sudden weight gain? Perhaps you have more of the earth element in you. As per Ayurveda, our body constitutes of five elements and three doshas ...
  6. Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya

    Sudarshan Kriya is a simple yet powerful rhythmic breathing technique that de-stresses, and cleanses at the cellular level, and effectively draws you into a deep state of meditation. Sudarshan Kriya and accompanying breathing practices, referred to collec ...
  7. An Ayurvedic Take on Daily Water Intake

    Water represents soma, the nourishing, cooling quality that is associated with lunar energy. It helps with digestion, cools and balances Pitta dosha, supports Kapha, and counteracts the dryness of Vata. It nurtures, lubricates and also detoxifies when it ...
  8. Sudarshan Kriya Research Slides

      Research Overview and References   ...
  9. Research on Sudarshan Kriya

    Physical & mental health benefits, often shown from the very first session. And results are cumulative; they grow stronger over time. Sudarshan Kriya and accompanying breathing practices, referred to collectively as SKY and taught through the Art of L ...
  10. The Miraculous effects of Sudarshan Kriya

      What a long-drawn treatment and medicines could not cure, practising Sudarshan Kriya for just six days could, said 35-year-old Suryakanta Chandar Kant Taydeji. “It was a miracle, and I had spent only Rs. 350,” he exclaimed.  A resident of Indiranagar� ...