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  1. Nut Cake with Chocolate Drizzle

    Light up the hearts and souls of your family & friends with this decadent treat, that is filled with the goodness of dried fruit and nuts this New Year! Ingredients Whisk together in one bowl (Wet Ingredients) 3/4 Cup Hot Water 1 Cup Maple Syrup 3 Tbs ...
  2. Lemon Coriander Soup

    A soup can do what medicines can’t! Warmth and soothe of a good soup in the winter chills can help you relax in an inexplicable way. Especially, when you're down with cold, cough and fever or simply trying to keep warm. It's by far the most comf ...
  3. What’s Cooking? Ayurvedic cookery!

    ‘Ayu’ is life and ‘Veda’ means knowledge. Ayurveda is “Knowledge of Life” Beyond that, it's a 5,000 year old system of natural healing that teaches you how to live in harmony with the laws of nature. In these days of cupcakes and falafel and goat’s c ...