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  1. How A TERRORIST Became A Meditation TEACHER! | True Story | Gurudev

    Can a terrorist ever turn to social good? What is that drives a human to do evil things and how can one bring naxalites, criminals, murderers and corrupt people to the path of dharma and spirituality? Gurudev shares incredible stories of how these so call ...
  2. The formula for Stress! | Q&A with Gurudev

    In this QnA Gurudev explains the formula for stress and the impact it has on your body and how to deal with it! ...
  3. What Is The SOUL? | QnA From Barcelona 2022 | Gurudev

      Gurudev travelled to Barcelona for the first time, answering questions from the audience during a public talk. He's asked about the soul, remaining centred amidst activity, manifesting desires, overcoming laziness and procrastination, dealing with ...
  4. The GREATEST Spiritual STORY Ever Told | Ashtavakra Gita | Gurudev

    The conversation between Ashtavakra, the revered Vedic and Enlightened sage in Hinduism and Janaka, the king who's had every luxury in the world but was curious about life, his purpose and the nature of reality., This is the most unique conversation ...
  5. "You Can Stop This War" Says Christoph Daum | Interaction With Gurudev

        Gurudev sits down with German Premiere League soccer club manager and former player himself, Christoph Daum. They discuss the state of the world post pandemic, specifically the way forward from the current crisis the world is facing with the Ukraine R ...
  6. Why Did Jesus Forgive Those Who Crucified Him?

    Gurudev travelled to Mallorca for the first time, answering questions from the audience during a public talk. He told the story of Jesus's crucification, how Rajas, Tamas & Sattva the 3 types of energy control and manifest in our lives and much m ...
  7. Secrets to Emotional Resilience |

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar interacted with Susan David who is a best selling author, and award winning Harvard medical psychologist. Susan ask Gurudev about how people can improve their mental health during these turbulent times. Gurudev's gives a ...
  8. Inter-Caste Marriage, Enlightenment, Soul & more |

    Get ready for an absolutely hilarious and funny question & answer session with Gurudev. His answers although filled with humour offered some beautiful insight to those asking the questions. This is a must watch video! ...
  9. This Is The Purpose Of Your Life!

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar gives a beautiful message to everyone this #gurupurnima on how we should live our lives and have a higher goal for ourselves, one that involves making the world a better place. Don't miss it!   Do watch these interesting ...
  10. Why You Need A Guru In Life!

    On the eve of #gurupurnima Gurudev talks about the significance of having a Guru in life! ...