
Search results

  1. Intention, Attention and Manifestation

    Intention, Attention and Manifestation The association of a particular sense object over and over again creates a sense of craving for it. If you are used to drinking coffee every morning, then even though you are not born with a coffee fervor you have beg ...
  2. Karnataka lawyers boycot courts; spiritual guru Sri Sri offers to mediate

    Karnataka lawyers boycot courts; spiritual guru Gurudev offers to mediateBangalore: Lawyers across Karnataka boycotted courts on Monday to protest against alleged police excesses against some lawyers at the Civil Court complex in Bangalore on Friday.And ev ...
  3. Rethink. Redefine. Success

    This week many physicians and medical professionals across the country will be watching the documentary, "Race to Nowhere" being screened on the occasion of National Sleep Awareness Week. The film casts a spotlight on the growing dissonance in the educatio ...
  4. A new hero's born as Plim Plim flies high

    When Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar penned the Universal Declaration of Human Values and presented it in the United Nations a few years ago, he could hardly have imagined that his teachings would inspire two Argentina-based media professionals to create an a ...
  5. One lakh devotees worship god Shiva in Bangalore

      Bangalore: An estimated one lakh people from 60 countries assembled at the Art of Living international centre on the city's outskirts Monday to worship Hindu god Shiva on the occasion of the deity's night-long festival. "It was a sea of humanity at the c ...
  6. Back from US, Independent secures win over Shiv Sena

    Balasaheb Darade spent five years in the US, doing his MS in electrical engineering and specialising in nanotechnology and also claims to have worked as a consultant for the Mars Rover project of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). He ...
  7. Achieving Balance With Ayurveda

      Life has four characteristics -- it exists, evolves, expresses and extinguishes. For this, it depends on five elements, namely earth, water, air, ether and fire. To make it easier to understand we can bring in the five senses and its objects, namely sigh ...
  8. A little guidance, and the art of living

    Six-day programme held for registered bad characters Going beyond traditional methods of reining in crime in a first-of-its-kind endeavour, the Outer Delhi Police organised a six-day “Art of Living” programme for registered bad characters of several police ...
  9. The Bhagavad Gita

    Terrorism is deeply steeped in hatred. An act without hatred is what Bhagavad Gita propounds. The Bhagavad Gita epitomizes the correct action -- of righteousness, of upliftment of spirit and an action or duty that ought to be performed even in the most com ...
  10. 5 Steps to Healthier Living

    Health is not merely absence of disease. Health is being established in the Self. It is the dynamic expression of life. One can be said to be in a perfect state of health when one is physically fit, mentally calm and emotionally steady. So how does one ach ...