In this fast-paced world, our body gets exposed to various sources of toxins. From polluted air to contaminant in packaged food, we accumulate toxins from every corner. Even negative emotions like stress, anxiety, anger, and sadness induce toxins in the body. Although the body has an innate mechanism to flush out toxins, but often our lifestyle does not allow the body to throw out the toxins fully. One of the simple home-made ways to assist your body in eliminating toxins are a variety of Ayurvedic Detox Tea. It is an easy and effective way to flush out toxins and also get many health benefits too.
1. Tulsi Tea
This is an easy, simple, and effective tea to flush out toxins from our body. Prepared with all-natural ingredients, the Ayurvedic Detox Tulsi Tea is strengthens brain functioning, memory, digestion, and also acts as an immunity booster. During monsoon and winter, it helps to fight cold and cough allergies. The soothing Ayurvedic Detox Tulsi Tea is good for all doshas. However, people with Pitta should be cautious not to consume it in a great quantity.
Tulsi (holy basil) – 55 gm
Cardamom – 20 gm
Black peppercorns 30 gm
Red sandalwood powder – 30 gm
Banafsha – 20 gm
Cinnamon sticks – 8 gm
Brahmi – 10 gm
Fennel seeds – 30 gm
Grind all the ingredients together and make a fine powder.
Boil water in a teapot.
When the water is boiled, add the fine powder in the teapot.
Let it simmer for a while. Then strain the tea and pour it in a teacup.
Voila! Your soothing detox tea is ready, and you can consume it any time of the day.
2. The Banafsha Tea
Prepared with natural herbs the Banafsha Tea is great for toxin induced cough and cold allergies. It benefits not only includes boosting digestion but also to flush out toxins induced by stress, anxiety, anger. The tea can be enjoyed in all seasons as well as consumed at any time of the day. The Banafsha tea is good for all doshas.
Banafsha- 55 gm
Mulethi (licorice root sticks) – 15 gm
Kulanjan – 10 gm
Eucalyptus oil – 1 drop
Peppermint oil – 1 drop
Grind all the ingredients together and make a fine powder.
Boil some water in a teapot.
Add the fine powder in the teapot when the water is boiled.
Let it simmer for a while till the concoction is reduced to half. Then strain the tea and pour it in a teacup.
Your Banafsha Tea is ready to be consumed!
3. The Antioxidant Kesar Tea
Prepared with “sunshine spice” or saffron, the antioxidant Kesar tea has a high medicinal value when consumed for health-related issues. The antioxidant Kesar tea helps in boosting moods, protects against heart diseases and provides relief from premenstrual syndrome. The tea is good for balancing all the doshas.
Kesar (saffron) – 3 gm
Ashwagandha (rennet)- 45 grams
Javitri (mace)- 9 grams
Jaiphal (nutmeg) – 10 grams
Cinnamon sticks – 55 grams
Grind all the ingredients together and make a fine powder.
Boil some water in a teapot.
Add the fine powder in the teapot when the water is boiled.
Let it simmer for a while. Then strain the tea and pour it in a teacup.
Enjoy your detox cuppa of antioxidant kesar tea!
4. Antioxidant Green Tea
Green tea is packed with nutrients and antioxidants which helps in functioning of the brain, lowers the risk of having cancer. As the antioxidant green tea has no side effects, when consumed daily it helps you to shed off the extra kilos too.
Prepared with the healthiest relative of the tea family, this antioxidant green tea is good for all doshas and can be consumed at any time of the day.

Cinnamon – 1 gm
Organic green tea leaves – 15 gm
Cardamom – 1 gm
Jaggery to taste
Grind all the ingredients together and make a fine powder.
Boil some water in a teapot.
Add the fine powder in the teapot when the water is boiled.
Let it simmer for a while. Then strain the tea and pour it in a teacup.
Flush out your toxins with this antioxidant green tea!