Long hours of sitting for studies or getting hurt in sports have children complaining of back pain. A hectic, stressful, and demanding lifestyle; causes adults and the elderly to complain of back aches. Or serious issues like sciatic lead to back pain. Did you know that occurrence of low back pain in India is alarming? Nearly 60% of the people in India have suffered from low back pain at some time during their lifespan.

Back pain, called Kateegraham in Ayurveda, is considered to be caused due to impaired digestion and Vata imbalance. A faulty digestive system causes the buildup of toxins (ama) that combines with vata and accumulate in the body channels. Finally, lead to back ache.

Ayurvedic treatment for back pain aims not only to heal the root cause of the problem but also, to maintain overall health and well-being. It strengthens the muscles, helping the patient to live a rejuvenated life after the Ayurveda treatment and therapies.

Ayurvedic Therapies for back pain

The conditions causing back pain can be reversed by these ayurvedic therapies –

  • Abhyanga – Abhyanga or warm oil massage is done all over the body, focusing on the lower back area. It energizes body cells. Once the patient learns, self-abhyanga can be useful.
  • Vasti – Vasti is the method for expelling body doshas. Special herbal medicines are passed into the body through the anus or vaginal canal to expel toxins.
  • Kati Vasti – Herbal medicated oil at a lukewarm temperature is kept over the lumbosacral area for some time.
  • Sneha Basti – It is a type of body detoxification therapy involving an enema of medicated oils. It clears all the vital body systems from the accumulated toxins.
  • Kashaya Basti – It is an enema of medicated decoction. 
  • Alternating hot and cold therapy – If the cause of back pain is injury, ice is typically most effective if applied soon after it occurs. Ice can also alleviate postoperative pain. A bag of ice wrapped in a towel or a commercial ice pack is used. Heat therapy goes a step further and can provide pain relief and healing benefits for many types of lower back pain. Heat therapy such as heating pads, heat wraps, hot baths and warm gel packs are inexpensive and easy. Some patients find more pain relief with one of the therapies. You can also try alternating both therapies.
  • Marma Therapy – The body junction points where the subtle life force energy becomes matter, where thoughts convert into physical matter is fundamental built-in electrical switches. Mental stresses hinder the subtle body channels, reducing the energy flow. A gentle touch on the Marma points releases the emotional blocks, allowing life force energy to flow to the connecting organs or tissues. This renewed energy flow, in turn, energizes the organs.
  • Meru Chikitsa – It is said to be a solution for spine problems. It works on meridians, electric-circuits (in the body) and attends to any misalignment on a subtle level. It works on body fluids, spinal fluids, bone structures and positions. It corrects posture, the cause of back pain. “Not just for unhealthy people, it works for healthy people too. Healthy ones can experience Meru Chikitsa and feel better”, says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
  • Swedana – The steam made out of herbs is used to sweat out and expel body toxins.
  • Dhanyamla Dhara – The warm herbal liquid poured on the affected area can help healing the back. 
  • Podikizhi – It is a massage using powdered herbs tied in a cotton cloth. 
  • Elakizhi – Vata pacifying leaves are used to make the patient sweat by the application of Elakizhi on the body.
  • Pizhichil – It is a squeezing massage consisting of oil and heat therapy. It is done for 7-21 days, depending on the degree of the ailment.
  • Njavarakizhi – Medicated rice is used. The therapy helps to loosen the stiffened muscles, relieving pain and improving blood circulation.
  • Pichu – A thick layer of cotton cloth soaked in warm medicated oil is bandaged around the affected area. The oil is replaced frequently.
  • Bloodletting – Practitioners typically nick veins or arteries in the forearm or neck to rid spinal gout.

Ayurvedic lifestyle changes

  • Intake of fresh, warm and digestible food – Include turmeric, valerian, hops, passion flower, and chamomile. They reduce inflammation and mental tension.
  • Avoid dry food – Like chips, namkeen, cookies, biscuits and rusk. 
  • Follow the Vata diet – Cow’s ghee, sour, salty food, and naturally sweet foods like grains, squashes and sweet fruits are vata-pacifying food.
  • Avoid strenuous exercises – Too much activity can further aggravate vata imbalance.
  • Yoga and Nadi Shodhan pranayama 
  • Stay away from cold places and refrigerated food
  • Avoid pungent, bitter and astringent tastes
  • Learn correct postures 

Did you know that every body part is connected to the spine? Our spine care experts in a Free Webinar on Spine Care will help you to learn to maintain a healthy spine and correct your spine issues. 

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Ayurvedic Medicines

If the cause of back pain is Vata dosha, ayurvedic medicines like Pavanhara Churna, Ashwagandha, Vedanantaka Vati and Vedanantaka Liniment balance vata. Thus, it can relieve the patient from back pain. These medicines suggested are to be taken on prescription by your Vedacharya.

Everyone has a unique body constitution, so there will be different problems and requirements. Thus, get a complete ayurvedic check-up from a qualified Nadi vaidya to get a customized treatment plan to rid back pain.

Based on inputs by Dr. Shweta Kothari, Nadi Vaidya, Sri Sri Tattva

Written by: Pratibha Sharma


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