We live in times, where the dreaded C word – covid has infiltrated the vocabulary of the tiniest tots and toddlers.
Yet, we still hold out hope that it doesn’t become one of their first words! On a more serious note, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has stated that children below the age of 10 years must stay indoors at this time. Why kids in particular? Because they are more likely to react adversely to illnesses as their immune system is still building up.
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March 17-23, 2025
In-house immunity
By and large, our immune system is pretty awesome on its own – the WBC (white blood cells) is quite capable of fighting off diseases and microorganisms, all by itself.
Then why do we need to build immunity?
It is because we share our beautifully diverse world with bazillion creatures, organisms and cells that could affect us as well. Children, in particular, are more vulnerable to these infections because they are still in their growing stages.
What affects a child’s immunity system?
- Poor eating habits
- Inadequate sleep and/ or rest
- Lack of exercise
- Genetics
- Stress
- Prolonged illnesses
As is said, prevention is the best (and only) cure, more so when it’s got to do with situations as this, when the cure or the newly made vaccines that are administered, seem to only alleviate the impact caused by the virus; with hopes of having a respite from it totally over a period of time through strengthened immune systems.
So, let’s now discuss how we can boost the immunity of our kids.
How can we build immunity in kids?
The world today, has come to a near standstill, and we find ourselves confined within the four walls of our houses with young and restless children! If you know a thing or two about children, you will appreciate that being stuck indoors with the hyperactive variety (and when restrained for long, even the quiet ones turn hyperactive!) is like having a bee around that buzzes restlessly all through the day. So, needless to say, you need to come up with ways to occupy the wired minds and overactive limbs – through workouts to keep their energies channelized and their bodies exercised.
What kind of workouts are possible at home? Yoga asanas are the best bet in a closed and limited space. They are rejuvenating and relaxing, challenging and calming – just the correct combination of contradictions for capricious children!
So, here’s a guide with 10 simple yoga asanas that your kids can do to help increase their immunity.
Yoga asanas to build immunity
The asanas included here will help open up the breathing tracts, boost lung capacity, and prevent respiratory illnesses.
Let’s begin with a deep full-body stretch that will help you warm up the body to begin the set of asanas that will help build your immunity.
1. Standing forward bend (Hastapadasana)

Benefits of Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend) :
- This pose increases the circulation of blood to the brain and sinuses helping relieve you from congestion.
- It also invigorates the nervous system energizing the body and increasing its immunity.
2. Camel pose (Ustrasana)

- This pose helps open up your chest and relieves you of congestions that may have set in due to seasonal changes.
- It also improves digestion; So couple it with a good diet and it will fortify your body’s immunity.
Know more about Ustrasana (camel pose).
3. Fish pose (Matsyasana)

- This pose stretches the abdominal organs helping to fight related infections.
- It also expands the chest and promotes deep breathing. As it opens up the nasal passage, it is a good weapon against symptoms of flu such as congestion and respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis.
- It also relieves tightness in the neck and shoulders, which helps regulate relaxed breathing.
Click here for how to do Matsyasana (Fish pose).
4. Bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana)

- This pose also opens up the shoulders, chest, and lungs helping to relieve asthmatic symptoms and thyroid problems.
- The deep stretch to the neck and shoulders strengthens the back and relaxes the body.
Learn more about Setu Bandhasana (Bridge pose)
5. Bow pose (Dhanurasana)

Benefits of Dhanurasana (Bow pose):
- This pose is also effective in opening up the chest and shoulders, helping to ease the breathing passageway.
- It also gives a good stretch to your thighs and abdominal organs which improves the flow of gastric juice and hence promotes good digestion.
- It also flexes and strengthens the spine giving you a good posture that helps the circulation of blood, which builds immunity.
Practices that will boost the immunity of your child
- Breastfeed your baby – you will be gifting him/her a lifetime of health.
- If you have a teenager, educate him/her about the harmful effects of smoking.
- Children gain height and health as they sleep – make sure they get their eight hours.
- Ensure your child WASHES HANDS before and after – playing, going outside, and eating.
- Ensure they follow clean habits such as brushing twice a day, cutting nails regularly, and washing every day.
6. Downward facing dog pose ( Adho Mukha Svanasana)

- This inverted pose helps to circulate blood all over the body moving the white blood cells (WBC), the body’s weapons against infections to all parts.
- It also helps clear congestion in your sinus, facilitating easier and more relaxed breathing.
Learn more about Adho Mukh Svanasana.
7. Child pose (Shishuasana)

This pose enhances the blood circulation to the face. It also helps calm the nervous system and builds immunity. click here to know more about Shishuasana(child pose).
8. Cow face pose (Gomukhasana)

Benefits of Gomukhasana (Cow Face pose) :
This pose helps you straighten the spine and makes you stretch your shoulder and thighs in a twist that activates the flow of blood to the farthest tips of your fingers and toes. This re-energizes you and makes your body feel active and able to defend itself from illnesses.
9. Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)

- This pose opens up your heart and lungs, and stimulates the core, making your respiratory system robust.
- It opens up the neck and shoulders, and flexes the back, helping to loosen tightness. This relaxes the body and elevates the mind.
Learn more about Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose).
10. Legs-up-the-wall pose (Viparita Karani)
- This pose makes you invert yourself thereby pumping blood to your legs.
- By taking the weight off your back and knees, it helps you unwind and destress.
- It boosts nerve connections and energizes the body.
- You feel a deep sense of relaxation that helps boost immunity.
Do you feel relaxed and ready to fight those germs?! Remember to include these asanas in your practice regularly for long-lasting results. After all, Rome was not built in a day.
Best weapons of mass defense
The body is woven in and out by a very beautiful structure called the connective tissue fascia. Every structure – blood vessels, nerves, muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons – have to travel through the connective tissue fascia. It plays an important role in nourishment, drainage, and communication. And so, maintaining it helps build immunity – our key defense in fighting infection.
What helps is the sustained stretching of the muscles in the body. Yogic postures maintained for a few ujjayi breaths, along with pranayamas and meditation go a long way in building your defenses.
Dr. Spandan Katti, craniosacral therapist
While the asanas help the body fight diseases by increasing the functionality of organs, pranayamas further help build resistance.
- Skull shining breathing technique (Kapal Bhati Pranayama) – helps clears the energy channels and detoxifies the system
- Alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodhan pranayama) – helps you recuperate and balances the left and right side of the brain
- Bellows breath (Bhastrika pranayama) – helps in respiratory issues and in overcoming anxiety
Dietary habits that will boost the immunity of your child
- Squeeze some lemon juice in warm water and drink every day.
- Eat fresh and seasonal vegetables and fruits. (Citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C).
- Eliminate white foods such as sugar and flour and refined, polished and processed foods from your diet.
Finally, unwind and treat your children to some meditation!
Traditionally, yoga is a way of life and not simply about physical exercises to cure any one illness. Watch a video of Sri Sri Yoga poses for boosting immunity to see the essence of yoga being practiced here.
World Happiness Day
Global Happiness Program
- Celebrate Happiness Week with Gurudev.
- Learn Sudarshan Kriya™ - the world’s most powerful breathing technique.Loved and practiced by 4.5+ crore people around the globe.
- Join Gurudev LIVE on March 20 on the Sattva App!
March 17-23, 2025
Stay strong and stress-free with the power of meditation, breath and yoga. Know more here.
Written with inputs from Kamlesh Barwal, Faculty, The Art of Living