Cute little boy in a white shirt and dark blue jeans is thinking holding his finger near his cheek. Decision making concept. A concrete wall background with a cog brain sketch on it.

Learn Intuition Process

World's No.1 Intuition Program for Children & Teens

Backed by 40+ Years of Experience in the field of Intuition to help your child take charge of their mind.



Intuition Process

A proven program, designed by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, to help children and teens nurture their intuition, break through their limits, and instill winning beliefs in just 21 hours, spread across 3 weekends, with flexible timings that fit your schedule.

Win-Win for Parents & Children

Tension Free Parents. Happier Children.


Better Management of Digital Distractions

Improved attention span & better listening


Access the 6th Sense

Getting the right thought at the right time, to make better decisions, is Intuition. Your child gets access to this power


Conquer Exam Fear & Nervousness

Build confidence to perform under pressure without stress or anxiety. More creativity


Improved Relationships at home & school

Strengthen communication and reduce arguments & fights


Future Ready to Win in Life

Fostering Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Emotional Intelligence to help your child think outside the Box


Direct, Personalized Support

Follow-up sessions by top-tier teachers to ensure & help your child practise the techniques taught


Replace laziness & restlessness

Strengthen your child with action and determination so that their inner potential is activated to its fullest


Self Doubt to Confidence

Move from I can't to I can

Children master daily routines that propel them to achieve results, 10x faster

The Art of Living Intuition Process for children and teens helps your child unlock their full potential through the power of their intuition. With the guidance of natural, non-invasive techniques rooted in Vedic Wisdom, your child will learn to navigate life’s challenges with confidence, clarity, and resilience.

This program empowers them to become everything they’re meant to be—intellectually sharp, emotionally balanced, and socially confident. By nurturing their inner champion mindset, your child will develop a strong sense of self, make empowered decisions, and excel in every area of life.

The result? A future-ready, intuitive young leader, prepared to thrive in a fast-paced, ever-changing world.

What's in the Program


Learn Authentic Techniques

  • Sudarshan Kriya

    Sudarshan Kriya. Get the 11 B Breathwork benefits.

  • 20 Minutes a Day

    Effective & easy-to-practise daily modules to nurture your intuition

  • Champion Processes

    Build a mindset of a Gold Medal Winner.

  • Energetic Processes

    Unlock your mind-body natural potential.

Children Learn More

  • Confidence Boosters

    Easy ways to feel empowered every day.

  • Mental Reset

    Clear negative thoughts and stress, instantly.

  • Social Battery Recharger

    Build stronger social skills.

  • Total Mind Relaxation

    Achieve deep mental calm for better student life.

Powerful Techniques that help you a lifetime

  • 24 IntuitionBoost Meditations, & BodyWork

    Safe, natural, non-invasive and authentic.

  • Immunity Boost

    Strengthen your energy with Prana Energiser.

  • Child friendly Methodology

    Learning with fun, games and pain-free practices.

  • Effective Communication

    Facilitates better communication for children.

Intuition Process Juniors (5+ to 8 years)

Duration: 10 days

Schedule Overview

Week 1: Fri‑SunIn-person2 hrs/day
Week 1: Mon‑SatOnline (Zoom)15 mins/day
Week 2: SunIn-person2 hours

Program Details

Week 1

  • In-person sessions (Fri-Sun):
    • Duration: 2 hours each day
    • Focus: Introduction to intuitive abilities
  • Online sessions (Mon-Sat):
    • Duration: 15 minutes daily
    • Platform: Zoom/Online
    • Supervised by expert instructors
  • Learning objectives:
    • Develop inherent intuitive abilities
    • Practice specially designed exercises
    • Engage in interesting games and unique activities
  • Parent involvement:
    • Attend last 2 hours of Week 1
    • Gain insights into children's learning
    • Learn how to deepen their child's intuition

Week 2

  • In-person session (Sun):
    • Duration: 2 hours
    • Focus: Review and deepen learning
  • Parent involvement:
    • Attend last 1 hour
    • Understand next steps in child's intuitive journey

Intuition means having the right thought at the right moment.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Intuition Process Kids (8+ to 13 years)

Intuition Process Teens (13+ to 18 years)

Duration: 17 days

Schedule Overview

Week 1: Fri‑SunIn-person2 hrs/day
Week 1: Mon‑ThuOnline (Zoom)15 mins/day (Kids),
30 mins/day (Teens)
Week 2: Fri‑SunIn-person2 hrs/day
Week 2: Mon‑SatOnline (Zoom)30 mins/day
Week 3: SunIn-person2 hrs/day

Program Details

Week 1

  • In-person sessions (Fri-Sun):
    • Duration: 2 hours each day
    • Focus: Physical and mental well-being techniques
  • Online sessions (Mon-Thu):
    • Platform: Zoom/Online
    • Supervised by expert instructors
  • Learning objectives:
    • Age-appropriate techniques for physical and mental well-being
    • Yoga and breathing techniques
    • Stress relief and emotion management
    • Preparation for intuition development
  • Teaching methods:
    • Games
    • Group discussions

Week 2

  • In-person sessions (Fri-Sun):
    • Duration: 2 hours each day
    • Focus: Intuitive abilities development
  • Online sessions (Mon-Sat):
    • Duration: 30 minutes daily for both Kids and Teens
    • Platform: Zoom/Online
    • Supervised by expert instructors
  • Learning objectives:
    • Develop inherent intuitive abilities
    • Practice specially designed exercises
    • Learn breath work and guided meditation
  • Teaching methods:
    • Interesting games
    • Unique activities
  • Parent involvement:
    • Attend last 2 hours of Week 2
    • Gain insights into children's learning
    • Learn how to deepen their child's intuition

Week 3

  • In-person session (Sun):
    • Duration: 2 hours
    • Focus: Review, deepening, and future guidance
  • Learning objectives:
    • Review and reinforce learned techniques
    • Understand the way forward
  • Parent involvement:
    • Attend last 20 minutes
    • Understand next steps in child's intuitive journey

Research on the Intuition Process



Boost in
teen accuracy



Rise in
mental well-being



Drop in
emotional issues



Drop in



Decline in
peer problems



Reduction in
conduct problems


Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a global humanitarian, spiritual leader and ambassador of peace. He has spearheaded an unprecedented worldwide movement for a stress-free, violence-free society.

Learn More

Upcoming Programs

Juniors: Age 5-8 yrs, Seniors: Age 8-18 yrs

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I want to enroll my child but...

What’s intuition?

Intuition is the ability to understand or know something without relying on reasoning or logical analysis. Intuition is naturally present in all of us, however little attention is given to nurturing and developing this aspect of the mind.

What are the benefits of developing intuition?

Stronger intuitive abilities pave the way for success in all areas of life.
  • Improved learning ability
  • Better decision making
  • Heightened creativity and innovation
  • Enhanced problem-solving skills
  • Better foresight
  • Stronger confidence
  • Better interpersonal skills
  • Less fear of the unknown

Why do you run this program only for children and teens?

We are all born with a natural intuitive ability to perceive beyond our senses. This ability is especially visible in children. This is because their minds are still fresh, less obsessive and more in tune with nature.

Is this program online or in-person?

The Intuition Process Juniors, Kids and Teens are hybrid programs that include both online and in-person sessions.

Intuition Process Juniors program includes four days of in-person sessions, two hours each day. It also includes seven online sessions (Monday to Saturday) supervised by instructors.

Intuition Process Kids and Teens consists of 7 days of in person sessions and 10 days of online sessions supervised by instructors.

Which techniques do you teach children to boost their intuition?

In this program, children are introduced to
  • Yogic techniques to help relax the mind and access intuition.
  • Age-appropriate breathing techniques
  • Guided meditation and relaxation techniques
  • Fun-learning games and activities to improve intuition
  • Home practice instructions

How long does it take to develop a child’s intuitive abilities?

The program’s benefits are there for all to see. You can watch a multitude of videos of children and parents as they share their experiences after following the teachings of the program.

Each child is unique. They take their own time to build intuitive abilities. The advancement depends on the child’s own efforts and daily practice.

The program encourages a child to devote 15 to 25 minutes of home practice, every day. With regular practice, children and parents have reported an improvement in their intuitive abilities. It is the basis of the breakthroughs that the children have experienced.

How long is it and for which age group?

Intuition Process Juniors (5+ to 8 years)

10-day program - 4 days in person for 2 hours each session, 6 days online for 15 minutes each session

Intuition Process Kids (8+ to 13 years)

17-day program - 7 days in person for 2 hours each session, 10 days online for 15 minutes each session.

Intuition Process Teens (13+ to 18 years)

17-day program - 7 days in person for 2 hours each session, 10 days online for 30 minutes each session.