Bhoot pishach nikat nahi aave, mahabir jab naam sunaave (no evil spirit will come near you if you chant the name of Mahabir Hanuman)

Most children in India grow up listening to this couplet. These two lines come from the Hanuman Chalisa (the 40-couplet prayer that sings the glory of Lord Hanuman). From a young age, this belief is instilled in us when we listen to the Hanuman Chalisa that whenever we are facing bigger trouble, just chanting the name of Bajrangbali will give us the strength to overcome that.

According to the scriptures, Lord Hanuman is an avatar (incarnation) of Lord Shiva, who came to serve Lord Rama, who himself was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Such was Hanuman’s single-minded devotion for Lord Rama that it is considered to be an embodiment of both Shiva and Vishnu. His visage is shown friendly, approachable and there is no prayer to him which is unanswered.

Symbolically, Lord Hanuman represents the highly evolved prana or life consciousness. He is compassionate, simple, and yet he is courageous and powerful. Hanuman Chalisa is the most common prayer that is used to revere and take the blessings of Lord Hanuman. But there are few other mantras and chants as well that Hanuman devotees can know about.

Hanuman Chalisa

No prayer list for Lord Hanuman can begin without the mention of Hanuman Chalisa. These 40 couplets succinctly describe the glory of Hanuman, his devotion to Lord Rama, his innumerable qualities, and all the ways that he protects and gives knowledge to his devotees, as well as those of Lord Rama. His bond with Sita or mother Janki is also mentioned at the start of the prayer.

Shri gurucharan saroj raja

Sita is also called Shri and this line mentions that for Hanuman, Sita is like his Guru.

The Chalisa talks about the different ways that Hanuman served Lord Rama and the boons he was given for that. It mentions that any devotee of Lord Hanuman, and especially those who chant this prayer 100 times are free from all bondages and attain infinite happiness.  The whole glory of Hanuman Chalisa can be read about here.

Hanuman Mantra

ॐ हनुमते नमः॥ 

Om Hanumate Namah॥

All through the scriptures, it is espoused that Lord Hanuman is one of the most approachable and benevolent gods there is. He is always willing to take away the pain of his devotees. This simple mantra can be chanted to take you away from all the obstacles and problems that you are facing in life. This is also a work-fulfillment mantra as chanting it regularly can give you the success that you most desire.

Hanuman Gayatri Mantra

ॐ आञ्जनेयाय विद्महे वायुपुत्राय धीमहि। तन्नो हनुमत् प्रचोदयात्॥

Om Anjaneyaya Vidmahe Vayuputraya Dhimahi। Tanno Hanumat Prachodayat॥

Lord Hanuman not only bestows his devotees with valor and strength, but he also imbibes them with knowledge and intuition. Lord Hanuman is one of the few who is the master of Ashtasiddhi (Eight yogic accomplishments) and Navanidhi (9 divine powers). Chanting the Hanuman Gayatri Mantra will imbibe a person with the same qualities that Lord Hanuman is espoused with.

Sundar Kand

Although not a chant, Sundar Kand is a portion of Tulsidas’s Ramcharitmanas that talks specifically of Lord Hanuman. It details how Hanuman realizes his powers, crosses the ocean to Lanka, finds Sita, and then burns Lanka. It is said that Sundar kand is the ultimate praise of Lord Hanuman and any devotee should chant this as regularly as they can.

Beginning of Sundar Kand:

अतुलितबलधामं हेमशैलाभदेहं
दनुजबनकृशानुम , ग्यानिनामअग्रगण्यं
सकल गुण निधानं वानरानामधीशं
रघुपति प्रिय भक्तं वातजातं नमामि

1: (I salute Sri Hanuman) Who is an abode of unparalleled power, and whose huge body is like a golden mountain,

2: Who is like a raging fire over the forest of demons, and the foremost among the jnanis (the wise ones),

3: Who is a storehouse of all good qualities and the master of the monkeys,

4: Who is a dear devotee of Raghupati (Sri Rama) and the son of Vayudeva; I salute Sri Hanuman.

The ancient gurus and masters have said that chanting the SundarKand can clear away the obstacles that you and your family are facing in life and give you unimaginable boons.

Hanuman Beeja Mantra

|| ॐ ऐं भ्रीम हनुमते, श्री राम दूताय नम: ||

Aum Aeem Bhreem Hanumate Shree Ram Dootaaya Namaha

Many Hindu scriptures state that beeja mantras (the root chants) are the most powerful chants. The Hanuman beeja mantra mentioned here is considered to be the best way to please Lord Hanuman and gain his blessings.

It is said that Lord Hanuman is the easiest deity to please and singing his glory will not only please Hanuman but those who do it with reverence can attain even Lord Rama.

Other Powerful Chants 


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