Passion is the biggest driving force in life. Once you fall in love with something or are passionate about it, focus comes all by itself.  However, your passion should go through the filter of your intellect and wisdom; it will work miracles for you.

Charge Every Job with Happiness

Even a job that appears enjoyable in the beginning, after some time, you will stop enjoying it. It is like apple pie. If you keep eating apple pie on a daily basis, in less than a month’s time, you’ll stop liking it. In fact, you’ll start hating apple pie. Don’t try to find joy in a job. Your job must be an expression of joy. Joy is something that you find within yourself. On a career level, you must see which is best for you, and which pays you well. What you need to do, you must do.

Include Dispassion and Compassion in Life

Have passion for work, dispassion when you want to rest, and compassion as your very nature.

Breathing in is like passion and breathing out is dispassion. And in between, hold on to compassion. 

Passion cannot be constant. It has its ups and downs and that is healthy. If passion is not coupled with dispassion, then it is only feverishness. And the feverishness will just take a toll on your life. So have dispassion. 

Dispassion is the state of consciousness free from the thirst of perceptible and celestial enjoyment. It is retrieving our senses from the craving or thirst for objects and going back to the source. It brings enormous strength to our lives.  

Find Enthusiasm within

Enthusiasm means to be connected to God within. When you are with your source, you can only be enthusiastic. Apathy is when you are away from the source of life. You cannot but be enthusiastic when your mind is totally in the present moment. 

You should know that dispassion is not apathy. It is simply a broader perspective of reality. 

Dispassion is moving towards the source. Dispassion simply means the way back home. It is the journey towards the source, which is a reservoir of enthusiasm. When dispassion and enthusiasm co-exist, that is the secret of perennial enthusiasm and profound dispassion. Though they appear to be opposite, they are actually complementary.

Take It As a Challenge

If your enthusiasm and spirit is high, don’t let it be put down by any person, circumstance or situation. In life, ups and downs come, not every day is the same. Once you determine that nothing whatsoever can put down your enthusiasm or dampen your spirit, then you will see that’s how things will move. You must take it as a challenge – I won’t be demotivated come what may!

Make Service a Part Of Your Life

Spread compassion with service. When you have commitment and passion for a higher goal in life, boredom vanishes. If you help others, that will give you joy. Find a balance between work and service. To make a living, you do work and, for satisfaction, you do service. Loving service bridges the gap between our spiritual practice and daily life. 


People search for joy everywhere not knowing that the Self is the source of all joy. Meditation takes you to the source of this eternal joy. Sudarshan Kriya and meditation raise your energy levels and help you be passionate about whatever you do. 


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