A stress buster for some, a productive drink for others and a beverage loved by most is coffee. People who keep busy do not mind gulping one cup after another without realizing the side effects of coffee or other caffeinated drinks. While you may see your energy levels soar for a brief period with caffeine, the long-term impact on your skin can be unalterable. While it’s imperative to know how much caffeine in a day is alright to consume, it’s also significant to note the health consequences of anything extra.
Side Effects on Skin
- Dry skin
Since caffeine is water-losing(diuretic) in nature, excess of it devoids the skin of its moisture, making it look dry and saggy.
- Acne/Wrinkles
Roasted coffee has polyphenols that have antioxidant properties. However, they have side effects and are known to have high acidity that negatively affects blood circulation. This devoids the skin of its nutrients and also leads to wrinkles, acne, and breakouts in the skin.
- Aging
Since caffeine keeps us awake for longer and works on our energy levels, many changes happen within the body. Hormonal imbalance is one of the factors, in addition to others like thyroid and liver problems. It affects us overall, but the most visual effect is seen on the skin via aging and dull pigmentation.

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- Itchy skin
This condition has more to do with your tolerance level of caffeine and also dairy (if you take milk coffee) or sugar. Some people consume the above even when they get signs of allergy like itchy skin/ rashes or even an upset stomach. Excess caffeine consumption can also imbalance oil secretion (by increasing cortisol) and bring about acne or pimples in the skin.
- Dark circles
Caffeine dehydrates the body and by keeping you active, it rids you of your sound sleep. Over-consumption leads to insomnia, thereby causing under-eye bags and plumpy skin.

Excess caffeine could lead to other body problems, from migraines and anxiety to weight gain and kidney problems. What’s important is to be aware of the quantity you intake and the beverage quality. Organic sources of coffee/tea may not be too harmful if you are mindful of the daily amount you take.
How to Fight the Temptation?
To ensure you don’t suffer from caffeine addiction or face the side effects of caffeine on your skin,
- Savor the cup
Take the tea/coffee break as it’s meant to be. When you enjoy and savor the flavor, it is unlikely that you will be tempted to take another cup too soon. Work around the idea and self-talk about the consequences.
“The rush to enjoy robs the joy from life and only denies the happiness and freedom of here and now.”
-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- Try alternatives
There are many drinks available that are caffeine alternatives, such as mud water(organic mushroom mix), chicory coffee, rooibos tea, or herbal teas. They not only keep you active and fresh, but they also keep you stress-free and build immunity.

- Tame your mind
Add meditation and pranayama to your routine to tame your mind of the effects of caffeine on your skin and body. Being aware of your body’s requirements effectively manages your addiction and allows you to make healthier choices.
- Root for an active lifestyle
Yoga, meditation, exercise, cycling, swimming, dance, etc. are several other ways to keep yourself awake and active. So, rather than sipping that beverage, take exercise breaks to rejuvenate yourself. Having said that, if you are a hardcore coffee person, just enjoy the drink in moderation to experience its benefits.