It’s a scientific fact that the immunity system of children is naturally strong, which helps them fight many health issues. Even though their bodies are designed to fight mild infections of fever, cold, etc., any persisting illness could have a different cause. Back pain in children is not an unfamiliar phenomenon these days but is often linked with constipation, muscle strains, or some complicacy like a bone injury. The severity of back pain could vary depending on the cause of the pain. The best thing is to nip the cause in the bud and find easy relief methods.

Cause of Back Pain

Children may complain of back pain due to two reasons.

  1. Physical
  2. Emotional

Symptoms of Back Pain

Some symptoms may seem obvious, whereas some may not. Following symptoms in children should alert the parents of back pain. 

  • Persisting or recurring back pain (staying for more than a month)
  • Pain accompanied by fever, sleep problems, or weight loss
  • Pain accompanied by leg pain or stiffness of the spine
  • Numbing pain accompanied by fatigue
  • Pain, causing movement challenging

Tracking the Cause

Methods commonly used by doctors to track the cause of physical back pain in children are:

  1. Examination of the back by asking you to make movements like standing, walking etc.
  2. CT or MRI Scan
  3. X-ray
  4. Blood Test with an assessment of historical reports

What can you do?

As parents, our children’s well-being is our greatest worry. While children with severe cases of back pain(structural problems) may need surgery or pain killers, children with mild cases(i.e functional problems), such as overuse of back muscles, stress, posture problems, or ankylosing spondylitis, need to alter their lifestyles. Kids can quickly recover from the structural causes of back pain if they do things in the right way. The following are great relief methods to cure back pain in children.


There are many yoga poses for kids for back pain, such as the cobra pose, bridge pose cat-cow pose, sun-salutations that are simple, fun and effective. It also helps children expand their flexibility and fight stress-related ailments. Pursuing yoga from a young age gives them the power to master their senses, build immunity and strengthen their muscles. Yoga also helps prepare their body for any intense activity like a dance performance or sports etc. There are restrictions in yoga postures for children experiencing back pain due to structural causes.Our spine care yoga sessions are fun and interactive and, at the same time, help children rework their natural flexes.

yoga poses for kids for back pain

Pranayama and Meditation

Pranayama helps observe the breath, fights stress and anxiety, and relieves the muscles of any tension. Meditation oxygenates the lungs and raises awareness, bringing our attention to the present. Both techniques can benefit children abundantly if practiced regularly. The ability to move the mind from the pain to a soothing memory is the reward of pranayama and meditation, which can work wonders for the spine and the lower back of children experiencing back pain.

Yoga, mudra pranayama and meditation relaxes the mind that increases the prana(energy) flow (which was initially blocked due to emotional stress). Children recovering post-surgery (in a few cases of back pain) can also practice specific yoga poses with their doctors’ permission.

Active Lifestyle

Although not a very common problem in young children, a sedentary lifestyle is one of the prevalent causes of back pain in teens. We may blame the pandemic, but an active lifestyle is the need of the hour. Regular play time outside, no slouching, no heavy bags, healthy food (crucial for girls during periods) and disciplined life can help prevent back pain immensely.

Other methods

Meru Chikitsa, Marma chikitsa, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, back braces, therapy balls, acupuncture, ayurvedic massages or getting the bones treated by a chiropractor can help relieve back pain, depending on the case. Many exercises for back pain like swimming, cycling, pilates, etc. are very effective. 

Nipping in the Bud

We are fortunate to be present at a time when we can discuss our problems and fetch a quicker solution. This brings us to the point that although we identify the health issues in children, we must do everything to nip them in the bud. From using safety straps in strollers and tables for younger children to prevent them from falling to changing the lifestyle of teens  (by indulging them in activities and good health ethics), it’s all in our hands. We just have to get started!

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