It's very important to have a say over your anger. Learn how.
No one ever likes feeling agitated or angry. If we don’t feel compassion when we see others’ mistakes, we are bound to get angry at them and eventually at ourselves. A little knowledge about us, about our mind, our consciousness, and the root of distortion in our nature will help. Our breath has a great lesson to teach us, which we have forgotten. Breathing techniques and meditation are very effective in calming the mind. Then we can make our anger expensive and our smile free!
A life changing experience
Yoga and Meditation Programs
Make your anger expensive and your smile free!

Sahaj Samadhi Dhyana Yoga
6 hrs over 3 days
₹ 3,000*
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*Your contribution benefits a host of social projects

Online Meditation and Breath Workshop
2hrs/day for 4 days
₹ 2,500*
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*Your contribution benefits a host of social projects

Happiness Program
3hrs/day for 6 days
₹ 2,500*
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*Your contribution benefits a host of social projects

Happiness Program for Youth
2hrs/day for 4 days
₹ 2,500*
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*Your contribution benefits a host of social projects