Karma Yoga Yuva Meet

28th August 2024 | Wednesday

At Local Centres

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The Role of Yuvacharyas: Catalysts of Change

Know highlights by Gurudev where Yuvacharyas can make a difference


Community building


Environmental stewardship


Social justice


Spiritual growth & inner transformation

As the world navigates through unprecedented challenges, the role of Yuvacharyas as agents of change will be more crucial than ever. Guided by the wisdom of Gurudev, one can lead the way towards a future that is not only materially prosperous but also spiritually fulfilling and socially just. This vision calls for collective effort, unwavering dedication, and a profound sense of responsibility towards humanity and the planet.



This gathering will not only underscore the importance of volunteerism but also illuminate the spiritual dimensions of service, the future envisioned by the spiritual master, and the pivotal role of Yuvacharyas in realizing this vision.

Join : A Holistic Approach to Future Challenges

River Rejuvenation

A vision for the future

Gurudev envisages, the future should not merely focus on economic growth and technological advancements but should also nurture the moral, ethical, and spiritual dimensions of human life.

Water Conservation

Holistic approach

A balanced approach, is essential for creating a peaceful, loving, sustainable and harmonious world. A future where global communities are built on principles of compassion, empathy, and selfless service.

Free Schools

Material progress with spiritual development

Encompass environmental sustainability, social justice, and spiritual awakening as intertwined facets of a prosperous future.

Each one of you is like a lamp post. Remember that you are the guiding light, and you have to throw light when there is darkness...

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Karma Yoga Yuva Meet - 2024
