Very few of us meditate to become advanced Yogis or meditators. Many of us simple folks just want to relieve stress and anxiety and become better at what we do with daily meditation and Sudarshan Kriya practice. Any meditation program with an ‘advanced’ prefix is something our minds have been trained to ignore.

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“But you should not ignore this one,” a dear friend and meditator told me one evening many moons ago about the Advanced Meditation Program. “You neither have to be an advanced practitioner nor an aspiring one to experience this,” she continued. “It is different and so refreshing,” she beamed.

I decided to give it a try and that’s when I realized the program could be a game-changer for every regular person irrespective of their yogi aspirations. Here’s why.

1. Tap the power of silence in a noisy world

How often do you get a chance to experience and enjoy silence? In a world demanding your attention 24*7, most will answer ‘rarely’. Silence has also come to be feared rather than appreciated.

Yet, silence is a powerful remedy in our busy times. It has been proven to reduce stress significantly, create more brain cells, reduce blood pressure, and orient you more to the present moment.

An Advanced Meditation Program is a silent retreat where you can experience the power of silence in a short period of 3 to 4 days.

2. Holiday for the body, mind, and soul

When we go on a holiday, our body and mind are in continuous action: visit this spot, enjoy this activity, see this, taste that, and so on. All of it is fun, but we do end up feeling tired after a holiday. 

How about a holiday that can actually raise your energy levels? An Advanced Meditation Program is that holiday. By not indulging in the world, you can truly relax your mind and revive your energy levels in a short time.

In the words of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, “We are using our mind, intellect, and memory so much that it needs overhauling. It needs servicing. Our body needs servicing, our mind needs servicing, and the Advanced Meditation Program gives us that much-needed servicing.” 

3. Access your inner voice

Our minds are cluttered with a lot of information, biases, insecurities, and fears. With so much swimming in our heads, our inner voice gets easily drowned. Our reserve of inner strength and intuition is lost with the influx of our fears. 

The silence and meditations in an Advanced Meditation Program declutter the mind and strengthen our hearts. After which you find the strength to listen again.

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