Remember the mix tape from your childhood?
The dance practice tape with songs as different as beaches and mountains.
The tape whose songs everyone danced to.
Yes, that mixed tape. Interestingly, that is life too.
Ups and downs, happiness and sadness, excitement (for your favorite parts), and patience (while your parent’s favorite songs ran) are not just flavors of a mixtape. But life in general too.
Our adult lives are sadly not so enjoyable. Sad songs seem to stretch for far too long. Happy ones go past in a blur. Many songs sound like noise. And the worst part is adding our favorite songs seems impossible because we don’t even know which ones are our favorite. In other words, many of us don’t know or rather have forgotten what we really want from life.
How do you make the perfect mixtape, then?
Believe it or not, the answer lies in going mute for some time.
Making the perfect mixtape with an Advanced Meditation Program
The Advanced Meditation Program is a silent meditation retreat for a fixed number of days. You stay silent throughout the program and participate in meditations and techniques that strengthen the impact of silence.
But, how is silence impactful?
And how is silence supposed to help make an instrument of music, the epitome of color and life, the mixed tape? Here is how.
Feeling of lightness
After hearing a mix tape, you feel light and happy. Miseries and problems of the past are no longer a burden. A good life doesn’t feel like a burden. When it does, clearing up your mind with silence helps as everything in life is experienced by the mind. The silence and meditations in an Advanced Meditation Program help you to feel light. As Quora user, Sathya Vijay shares, “The program was a deep cleansing of emotional garbage created by several incidents over time.”
Learning to go slow
You cannot enjoy a mixtape that runs at a cosmic speed. Yet, life these days has become just that: a race to chase one deadline after another. Silence trains you to pause and slow down. So when you come out of the program, you finish deadlines without stressing out.
Who doesn’t like energizing beats in a mixtape? When you are well-rested, you are more energetic than when you are tired and burnt out. Silence has the power to rejuvenate your body and mind. It gives you deep rest that energizes you. An energetic person can certainly dance to life projects that require your energy and time.
Remove the noise
A lousy tape is the one with noise, especially at moments when it cuts off the good music. Too many unsolicited opinions, your own self-doubt, negative self-talk, and overthinking are like noise in your life’s mix tape. Silence removes them all, letting the good music flow through again.
Find patience
Like every mix-tape, life has parts that are painful, sad, or plain frustrating. Only when you have the patience to listen to these parts, can you listen to the good parts as well? An Advanced Meditation Program helps you face the not-so-good parts of your life with patience and a smile.
Give yourself a chance to make your life the mixtape you enjoyed as a kid. Sign up for an Advanced Meditation Program.