A New Understanding

There is inspiration everywhere in our lives, sometimes gift wrapped through special events and moments. Navratri, a magnificent celebration of the Mother Divine, is one such occasion. Its myriad customs, rituals are rich with significant meanings. To many, Navratri has given birth to a new understanding of life. A fresh perspective or a little reminder on the potential of human life and living. Here are some lessons that people have been generous enough to share with us. Lessons that have been catalyzed by Navratri.

While we are all soaked in pure Sattva during Navratri, something changes both inside and outside. The thoughts and ideas, the opinions about others – everything changes, everything shifts. Worries fall off, joy rises from inside. The mantras, poojas and yagnas change the subtle energy, which reflects in people around.

The last day of Navratri is called Vijayadashmi – the day of victory. We wish everybody we meet to have peace, prosperity, and contentment. This is one of the special moments, next to many others, of course. It feels like a new beginning. It feels like being newly born, fresh like an ocean breeze, pure like the morning dew on the grass. The first seed which has been planted after being born anew is peace, prosperity, and contentment for all. Wishing the same from that state of mind and that state of a full heart is indeed a big blessing.

What a beautiful tradition!

It seems like such a simple act – wishing the best to somebody. Yet, doing so is very liberating. We forget the past chatter, the little clashes, the episodes of conflict and hurt. This happens in all of our lives, all the time. And we forgive too. Yet, the moments of Navratri serve as a reminder, and it’s easier to wish the best when our own minds are feeling free and happy.

My lesson from Navratri

Every Navratri reminds me how easy it is to be the bigger person – even if the other person is not. And the memory of being the bigger person propels us to continue being our best – no matter what the situations are, during the rest of the year.

Shanti Rasthu, Pushti Rasthu, Tushti Rasthu! I wish you Peace, Prosperity and Contentment.

A little about Krishi Koellner

Krishi Koellner, is a realist who dreams of a more-friendly and less-stressed world. He knows that it is possible and has dedicated his life toward that goal. As an Art of Living Teacher, Krishi has taught meditation to thousands of people. He believes that when we go beyond our comfort zone, that is when life begins, and we allow magic to happen. Currently, Krishi is the Managing Director for the World Youth Forum for Ethics in Business.