Full moon meditation is very well known. The moon is also very connected to spiritual practices. You can say that these meditations are more compelling

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The moon is an integral part of our lives. Whether it is celebrating a festival or starting an auspicious task, or meditating, we consider the movements of the moon. For example, festivals such as Ramzan, Guru Purnima and Holi are celebrated according to the movements of the moon. 

What happens on a full moon day?

A full moon is that phase of the moon when it is completely illuminated as seen from the earth. During this time, the earth is right between the sun and the moon, with all three in a line.

Full moon symbolism

The full moon has been said to symbolize different things in different cultures. It has religious and spiritual significance in some cultures, and in others, it is believed to symbolize the rhythm of time.

In India, it is traditionally believed that the full moon affects the movement and flow of water in creation. Buddhists believe it is a time for spiritual reflection. The full moon is also thought to bring on swings in the mind and the emotions, hence the term “lunatic.”

Significance of the full moon

In this universe, every object has an impact on the other. The full moon as well as the new moon are thought to have an effect on the body and mind to some extent. But practicing pranayama, yoga and meditation can help counter these effects.

How does the moon affect our body?

The food we consume is converted into 2 parts – mind energy and prana or life force. The mind energy is centered in the pineal gland area from which vital hormones get secreted. It is believed that the moon enters this gland and takes control of all our activities – from night till the time we awaken.

The rays of the moon affect human beings, animals, plants, water and so on. As our bodies consist of 70% water, the full moon meditation helps the seekers in going inward, transcending the mind, and experiencing the divinity within.

Guided Full Moon Meditation

As the moon is connected to spiritual practices, it is very good to meditate on a full moon day. Moreover, the moon has an effect on water and our body is approximately 70% water. Hence on the day of Purnima or full moon it is beneficial to do meditation.

The ‘Full Moon Meditation’ guided by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar rejuvenates our body and mind. This meditation is done sitting in the direction of east or west and preferably under moonlight.


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