We empower communities through stress relief and skill development programs
44 years
of service
80+ crore
lives touched globally
70 rivers/streams
being rejuvenated across India
1,00,000+ students
provided education
4,20,000+ people
trained in livelihood initiatives
22,00,000+ farmers
trained in natural farming
Our first and foremost commitment is to do seva (service) in the world. When you make service your sole purpose of life it eliminates fear, brings focus in our mind, purposefulness in action and long term joy.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
What's your cause?
Solar training boosts confidence of youth “The solar training gave us the foothold we needed in facing reallife challenges. It got us set up right from the basics in a…
Mayur Chauhari
Graduate of Solar Skill Training Center, Bengaluru
Yuvacharya drives villagers into action “I would go to the village and make them aware of the issues that need to be resolved, make them meditate and sing together. To…
Abhay Todkar
Yuvacharya, Dahiwadi Village, Satara