Pronounced: ARE-dah MAT-see-en-DRAHS-anna
Ardha = half; Matsyendra = king of the fish; Matsya = fish; Indra = ruler.
“Ardha”means half. “Matsyendra” is one of the many Siddhas masters who where accomplished Yogis mentioned in the medieval Yoga text the Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika. This posture is traditionally called the “Spinal Twist” because the spinal column is twisted gently.
How to do Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Sit in any comfortable cross-legged position.
- Straighten the legs out in front. Bend the right knee and bring the heel of the right foot close to the left hip.
- Inhale and bend the left knee upward and place the left foot flat on the floor to the right of the right leg with the ankle touching the right thigh.
- While turning the spine to the left straighten the right arm bringing it around to the outside of the left knee and grasp the left foot with the right hand.
- Turn your head as far as possible to the left and bend the left arm behind your back. Keep your spine, neck and head aligned and continue to exert effort at turning to the left.
- Repeat the posture the other side by reversing directions 2-6.
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Benefits of the Ardha Matsyendrasana
- The Half Spinal Twist is one of the best Yoga postures for cultivating flexibility and strength in the spine. It sooths stiff necks and upper back tension caused by stress, poor posture, or prolonged periods of sitting in one position.
- The alternating compression and release of the abdominal region flushes this area with blood and massages the internal organs. Muscles of the stomach and hips are also toned from repeated practice of the Half Spinal Twist.
- Duration/Repetitions: The posture can be held for as long as you are comfortable. (One repetition consists of performing the posture on each side. Two to three full repetitions should be done at each session.
The posture can be held for as long as you are comfortable. One repetition consists of performing the posture on each side. Two to three full repetitions should be done at each session.
All Yoga Poses Previous yoga pose: Poorvottanasana Next yoga pose: Badhakonasana