smiling young professional wellness substance user

Wellness Program For Substance Users

A non-pharmacological intervention using powerful breathing techniques, processes & expert insights

Quit drugs & alcohol • Recover your health • Stay clean

15 hours program (5 days, 3 hours/day)
Sign up!

What will I get from this program?


Learn to stay off any substance

Whether you use alcohol, cannabis, drugs, injectables, inhalants, opioids, or a combination of either of these, you can learn to stay sober. We also offer a separate workshop for tobacco users.


Feel good and relaxed

Learn side-effect-free breathing techniques and meditations to experience deeper rest and feel good without substance use.


Improve health and immunity

Substance abuse can weaken immune function. Discover techniques that can improve your immunity, reduce the risk of heart diseases, and increase energy levels.


Relieve stress, anxiety, and insomnia

Overcome stress, a factor leading to substance dependence. Also, get rid of substance-induced anxiety and insomnia with proven techniques.


Sudarshan Kriya™

Sudarshan Kriya™ is a rhythmic breathing technique taught in the program. Among a wide range of scientifically proven benefits, the breathing technique helps substance-users in improving the quality of their life.


Relapse prevention

The biggest fear of every substance user is a relapse. Learn natural techniques to manage cravings and prevent a relapse.

Common myths busted

by Dr. Neeraj Nagaich, Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist, Fortis Hospital, Jaipur


Red wine is good for the heart


Alcohol has a safe limit


Beer is safe


Binge drinking is ok

Panel of program advisors

dr rajesh dhoparwarkar pune cardiologist

Dr. Rajesh Dhopeshwarkar

Cardiologist, EP Specialist, Heart Rhythm & Heart Failure Clinic, Pune

With a postgraduate degree from AIIMS, New Delhi, and 15 years of experience behind him, Dr. Rajesh Dhopeshwarkar is considered to be among the top three cardiologists in Pune. He regularly conducts sessions on lifestyle disorders and stress management for the corporate sector.

Dr Neeraj Nagaich Jaipur Gastroenterologist

Dr. Neeraj Nagaich

Senior Consultant, Gastroenterology, Fortis Hospital, Jaipur

The editor of reputed medical journals and a frequent presenter and publisher of research papers, Dr. Neeraj is also affiliated with reputed institutes, including the Indian Society of Gastroenterology.

dr deepak gandhi ayurveda pune

Dr. Deepak Gandhi

Ayurveda Consultant, Niranjani Chikitsalaya, Pune

Dr. Deepak has been practicing pure āyurveda, Panchakarma, and Panchabhoutik Chikitsa for the past eight years. His areas of interest include āyurvedic preventive medicine, diet, and lifestyle, āyurvedic management of infertility and non-communicable disorders, and improving the quality of life of cancer patients.

Dr Belinda Vaz dermatologist mumbai

Dr. Belinda Vaz

Consultant Dermatologist, Mumbai

Dr. Belinda’s 30-year career has been recognized with several awards while she has also published and presented numerous research papers. She is fascinated by the mind's role in the genesis of various skin disorders and recognizes diet, exercise, and stress management techniques in alleviating skin conditions.

Dr Anju Dhawan psychiatrist aiims delhi

Dr. Anju Dhawan

Professor, National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi

Working in the field of Addiction Psychiatry for the last 30 years, she has been part of many expert national and international committees. She has authored several publications, monographs and articles in prestigious journals. She runs a clinic at AIIMS for the treatment of adolescent drug abuse, her area of special interest.

Dr Ekta

Dr. Ekta

Consultant at Satva Ayurveda Clinic and Panchkarma Centre, Aurangabad

Armed with a Master’s (Rognidan-Vikruti Vigyan) from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences - Sumatibhai Shah Ayurveda Mahavidyalay ( Sane Guruji Hospital) Pune, Dr Ekta is also a certified yoga teacher from the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. Despite her busy schedule she always finds time for social causes and drives for she wishes to contribute in her small way to the betterment of society.

Upcoming Programs

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I want to join but...

Is the online format still available?

Yes it is.

What is the duration of the program? Can I find suitable timings?

It is a 15 - hour program (5 days, 3 hours/day). You can easily find programs with timings of your convenience.

I feel scared if someone finds out about my tobacco use while I am doing this program.

As a part of our privacy policy, we keep our participants’ data confidential at all times. While participating in the online workshop at home or office, you can always use headphones and tell those around you that you have joined an online breath and meditation workshop.

I feel scared if someone finds out about my substance use while I am doing this program.

As a part of our privacy policy, we keep our participants’ data confidential at all times. While participating in the online workshop at home or office, you can always use headphones and tell those around you that you have joined an online breath and meditation workshop.

I am not a dependent substance-user. I use substances only for recreation. Why should I still join?

Every user is vulnerable to becoming dependent as there is no way to predict who is likely to get hooked. Also, you’d be happy to know that relying on your breath for joy and happiness comes without any side-effects or withdrawal symptoms. 

I cannot sit in one place for a long time. I don’t have the patience to meditate.

There is always a first time. After the first session of Sudarshan Kriya and meditation, you will realize it was not at all that difficult.

I don’t feel comfortable sharing about my substance use in great detail with anyone.

No worries. We promise that we won’t probe your  personal life and judge your choices. Your comfort is important to us. 

Will the Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique improve my health?

Yes, numerous studies and personal experiences show the practice can improve the health and well-being of users and non-users alike. It has been proven to improve sleep, decrease stress, boost immunity, and so on. Let the trainer know about all your health conditions and we can give you a more customized experience.